A spring bling bling is the thing
Bergen, Norway
- Viernes, 01 Mayo 2020 - Domingo, 03 Mayo 2020
Bergen Tango Marathon 12th edition
Bergen Tango Marathon 12th edition
A spring bling bling is the thing
A spring bling bling is the thing
50 out of
100 with
5 ratings
The Friendliest and Tastiest Tango event in Europe
Limassol, Cyprus
- Jueves, 30 Abril 2020 - Martes, 05 Mayo 2020
5th Anniversary Limassol Souvlaki Tango Marathon
5th Anniversary Limassol Souvlaki Tango Marathon
The Friendliest and Tastiest Tango event in Europe
The Friendliest and Tastiest Tango event in Europe
50 out of
100 with
5 ratings
Tango on contemporary music
Roma, Italy
- Viernes, 10 Abril 2020 - Lunes, 13 Abril 2020
Roma Neotango Marathon
Roma Neotango Marathon
Tango on contemporary music
Tango on contemporary music
50 out of
100 with
5 ratings
Tango in the breathtaking natural setting of Victoria, BC, Canada.
Victoria, Canada
- Viernes, 10 Abril 2020 - Lunes, 13 Abril 2020
CANCELLED -Victoria Tango Marathon 2020
CANCELLED -Victoria Tango Marathon 2020
Tango in the breathtaking natural setting of Victoria, BC, Canada.
Tango in the breathtaking natural setting of Victoria, BC, Canada.
50 out of
100 with
5 ratings
More than 27hs of excellent music and dancing in Biarritz, a magic city in the heart of the Basque Country
Biarritz, France
- Viernes, 20 Marzo 2020 - Domingo, 22 Marzo 2020
Les Envolees Tangueras VII Biarritz Tango Marathon
Les Envolees Tangueras VII Biarritz Tango Marathon
More than 27hs of excellent music and dancing in Biarritz, a magic city in the heart of the Basque Country
More than 27hs of excellent music and dancing in Biarritz, a magic city in the heart of the Basque Country
50 out of
100 with
5 ratings
Around Vietnam in 14 milongas, Explore the stunning landscape, its culture and tango along the way
Hanoi, Vietnam
- Viernes, 13 Marzo 2020 - Jueves, 26 Marzo 2020
Discover Culture and Tango- Around Vietnam in 14 milongas
Discover Culture and Tango- Around Vietnam in 14 milongas
Around Vietnam in 14 milongas, Explore the stunning landscape, its culture and tango along the way
Around Vietnam in 14 milongas, Explore the stunning landscape, its culture and tango along the way
50 out of
100 with
6 ratings