Your next tango

adventure starts here!

Tango Castelo Branco

Tango Castelo Branco

Three days to enjoy “a puro abrazo” This event is the 1st Argentinean Tango Festival of Beira Baixa, in central Portugal, in a beautiful landscape between Lisbon and Madrid. The Festival brings together world-class reference artists and teachers and promotes the cultural exchange of experiences among people from around the world (Argentine, Portugal, Spain, France and Italy). We will enjoy and share 14 hours of classes and workshops , 3 milongas and 4 exhibitions ,3Djs and Live orchestra “La Ideal”. Bringing the best tango to the interior of the country to transmit the true spirit of what the tango essentially represents “Encounter”. All in the center of Portugal Enjoy to know the wonders of the interior! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Published by Tango Castelo Branco (4)

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