Your next tango

adventure starts here!

Past Tango Ball / Special Milonga (296)

MILONGA PASIONAL at Polis cafe every Saturday in Athens.

Meet the pasion for tango, in the most romantic open air milonga. Come to Milonga Pasional, in Athens

  • Athens, Greece
  • Sabato, 30 Giugno 2018 - Sabato, 30 Giugno 2018

MILONGA PASIONAL at Polis cafe every Saturday in Athens.

MILONGA PASIONAL at Polis cafe every Saturday in Athens.

Meet the pasion for tango, in the most romantic open air milonga. Come to Milonga Pasional, in Athens
Meet the pasion for tango, in the most romantic open air milonga. Come to Milonga Pasional, in Athens
50 out of 100 with 5 ratings

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