Your next tango

adventure starts here!



Dear all, this group is for friends that represent to us joy of life, brightness and openness of the soul. People with whom we have shared that special "Something". People that stand out even if actual meetings are rare occasions. We want to add a great possibility for us to get together more often. Thus in this group you will find all the information about our event - Los Amigos en Tallinn Tango marathon. Warm hug, shining smile, encouraging glance, contagious and relieving laughter together … There is something we are always looking forward to experience again and again in different tango events with a wonderful connection on the pista. This is what makes some people more special. The group is open to any friends who are as special to you as you are to us. Feel free to invite them. We ourselves have the power to create the magical moments. Imagine what a powerful beauty we can create all together! Hugging you with all our Love, Yours Beegi and Lesja
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Published by Abrazo (1)

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