Tangoholics is the subsidiary company of the Tango Akademie Heidelberg and organizes its first Tango Marathon for all Tango lovers and will organizes Tango Events such as Marathons and Festivals from the beginning of 2017. All information about these organizations can be found on our homepage www.tangoholics.com
We would be happy to welcome you in our location and be the host of a wonderful weekend full of Tango.
Published by Tangoholics (1)
Right the first time
Heidelberg, Germany
- Friday, 29 June 2018 - Sunday, 1 July 2018
2nd Tangoholics Marathon 29. June - 1. July 2018
2nd Tangoholics Marathon 29. June - 1. July 2018
Right the first time
Right the first time
50 out of
100 with
5 ratings