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Stockholm in a Close Embrace

Milongueando Estocolmo
Promoted by Tangopolix


Marathon and Encuentro

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Music & DJs: 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

Total Score

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Stockholm in a Close Embrace

Stockholm in a Close Embrace

Milongueando Estocolmo
Milongueando Estocolmo
50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Social tango in a close embrace, balanced number of men and women, premium Tango DJs, milonga codes, invitations by mirada & cabeceo with separated seating, and an amicable ambience! Registration obligatory. Limited number of places. Priority given to devoted Tango Milonguero dancers, in good spirits, and at ease with the Milonga Codes to garantee the quality of the event.

Registration starts on 15 March 2019. Stay tuned!


  • Location:
    Bromma, Sweden
    Event dates:
    From: Friday, 26 July 2019 - To: Sunday, 28 July 2019
    Bromma, Sweden
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Friday, 26 July 2019
    Event Ends: Sunday, 28 July 2019
Read 8310 times


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