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Halloween milonga

Helloween with contest and cool prices.


Ball and Uncategorised

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Halloween milonga

Halloween milonga

Helloween with contest and cool prices.
Helloween with contest and cool prices.
50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Lokacija: Ante Kovačića 4, Zagreb
Datum: ponedjeljak, listopad 31, 20:30 - 00h
Čl. 20Kn

U sklopu ove milonge održati ćemo dva natjecanja u cilju poticaja kreativnosti. Natjecanja će biti na dve teme najbolji kostim i jelo/piće od bundeve.

Za jelo/piće od bundeve treba se prijaviti imenom i prezimenom na email ili na sms 098/9502738 do nedjelje, listopada 30.

Za natjecanje u kostimu nije potrebna prijava.

Natjecatelji u jelu/piću od bundeve i/ili kostimu moraju postati na svom blogu, Facebooku, Twitteru, Pinterestu, Instagramu ili + google sliku svog kostima i/ili jela/pića i napisati tango s LIbertangom, do 22:30h 31.10. u prostoru održavanja milonge.


Specijalna nagrada za jelo/piće od bundeve i kostim za jednog natjecatelja u obje kategorije su sve radionice s Olgom Lenovom i Viacheslavom (Slava) u Zagrebu, prosinac.

Nagrade jela/pića od bundeve
1. jedna radionica s Olgom Lenovom i Viacheslavom (Slava) u Zagrebu, prosinac
2. besplatna članarina za jedan mjesec
3. besplatna radionica u programu Libertanga u 2017.

Nagrada za kostime
jedna radionica s Olgom Lenovom i Viacheslavom (Slava) u Zagrebu, prosinac
2. besplatna članarina za jedan mjesec
3. besplatna radionica u programu Libertanga u 2017.

Location: Ante Kovačića 4, Zagreb
Date: Monday, October 31, 8:30pm-00am
Membership fee: 20kn

Halloween Special Milonga Costume Contest and Pumpkin dish/beverage challenge/contest.

For Pumpin recepe contest it would be prefect to applay with your name and surname on email or on sms 098/9502738 till sunday, october 30.

For costume contest you do not need to applay.

Costume and pumpkin dish contestants need to post on there own blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or + google picture of their costume and/or and write tango with LiberTango, till 10:30pm in the place of milonga.

Annual Halloween Milonga Contest and prices

Pumpkin contest prices
The main price for a dish/bevarage and costume 1st price is all workshops with Olga Lenova and Viacheslav (Slava) in Zagreb, december. If it only the dish price then is one workshops with Olga Lenova and Viacheslav (Slava) in Zagreb, december
2nd price is free membership for month
3th price is free workshop in Libertango project in year 2017

Costume prices
1st price is one workshops, with Olga Lenova and Viacheslav (Slava) in Zagreb, december
2nd price is free membership for month
3th price is free workshop in Libertango project in year 2017
Noć vještica ili Halloween (Hallowe'en) je noć uoči Svih svetih, 31. listopada, a zapravo je skraćenica od All Hallows' Eve ili Hallow Eve (Sveta večer, noć uoči Svih Svetih). Slavi se prije svega u Irskoj, SAD-u, Kanadi, Puerto Ricou, Australiji i Novom Zelandu. Premda je Halloween skraćeni oblik od arhaičnog engleskog imena za blagdan Svih svetih All-Hallow-even, All Hallows’ Eve, Noć vještica je poganski blagdan izravno suprotstavljen katoličkom blagdanu Svih svetih.

Svetkovina je nastala na temelju keltskih poganskih obreda u slavu žetve, a danas se slavi, većinom u anglosaskim zemljama, kao zabavni festival koji uključuje maskiranje u mitološke likove poput vještica, vampira, duhova, zombija, goblina i ukrašavanje kuća i okućnica bundevama (Jack-o'-lantern), paukovim mrežama, kosturima, gledanje horor filmova, sve u svrhu zastrašivanja, jer se u davnim vremenima strašenjem tjerala smrt uoći Dana svih svetih. Pogrešno je uvjerenje da je svetkovina nastala temeljem kristijaniziranih obreda.[1]

Velika zasluga za proširenje proslave Noći vještica pripisuje se redatelju Johnu Carpenteru koji je snimio istoimeni horor na tu tematiku


  • Location:
    Ulica Ante Kovačića 4, Zagreb, Croatia (view map)
    Event dates:
    From: Montag, 31 Oktober 2016 - To: Dienstag, 01 November 2016
    Ulica Ante Kovačića 4, Zagreb, Croatia (view map)
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Montag, 31 Oktober 2016
    Event Ends: Dienstag, 01 November 2016
  • Number of Participants:
    30 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    2.5 EUR - Euro Member Countries
    Number of Participants:
    30 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    2.5 EUR - Euro Member Countries
  • Is registration required prior to the event?
    Not required - Tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Montag, 31 Oktober 2016
    Registration Closes:
    Dienstag, 01 November 2016
    Is registration required prior to the event?
    Not required - Tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Montag, 31 Oktober 2016
    Registration Closes:
    Dienstag, 01 November 2016
  • Accommodation:
Read 6473 times


Institut argentinskog tanga LiberTango

Jelena Somogyi and Mario Medvedec tango are professional tango argentino dancers, performers, innovators of special tango argentino cultural and artistic programmes / events, maestros and TDJ. They run weekly group classes, monthly specialised workshops, private classes, give performances, travel for teaching and more. They are innovator of dance communication programs for improving life and tango skills (PokreTTAngo, TangoZavrk and ...) with ability to adapt the idea on innovation way so that students can understand and apply the material in any segment. Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!


Ulica Ante Kovačića 4, Zagreb, Croatia Pin icons from Medialoot


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