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Forestango Retreat

A tango yoga retreat to go back to the roots
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Forestango Retreat

Forestango Retreat

A tango yoga retreat to go back to the roots
A tango yoga retreat to go back to the roots
50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


24-27 of September
FORESTANGO: back to the roots Tango and yoga retreat in one of the wildest and most remote parts of Poland in a dreamy “Dreams and Stones”: hidden in the forest, made with love by an artist possession, just by the crystal clean lake with a traditional hand-made sauna and amazing, organic meals. What can you expect?
*Tango and chacarera workshops with Luciano Troncoso, an Argentinian teacher based in Berlin
@Luciano de Esbornia   *Sessions of body work and yoga for tango dancers with Anna Rutkowska, an experienced teacher educated mostly in India in classical systems of understanding body-mind-breath connection
@Yoga with Anna
@Yoga para tangueros Meeting with massage therapy to prepare and understand your body patterns even more
Cacao ceremony to connect more with your emotions and to awaken your senses
Milongas and practicas in a beautiful hall with glass walls in the middle of the forest
Everyday sauna sessions to have your body prepared and warmed up better during the dance Festivals, big events, marathons… we all love it, but this time we would like to propose you something completely different.
Forestango is created out of need for a real, intimate meetings in a small circle where we have a space not only to work on our tango technique, but also to find a space to listen to our bodies, sharpen the senses and connect with ourselves before we connect with another one.
It is created also out of need of a contact with the nature, of a space and peaceful surrounding where we can concentrate only on the process of learning and recognising for what we learn. PROGRAMM:
We are going to start with dinner at 7 pm on Thursday, followed by a tango class and practica.
The next days are starting with a body work class at 8.30 am, one tango class before the lunch and another one after the lunch.
You will be also given the chacarera workshop and everyday (Friday to Sunday) yoga session designed for tango dancers.
On Saturday evening instead of milonga we are going to gather for a raw cacao circle- a traditional senses sharpening and heart opening ceremony originating from Amazon tribes.
To have your body prepared even better, we are going to have everyday acces to the sauna in the afternoons and one special massage workshop.
Body work and yoga classes will be focused on balance, grounding, chest and shoulders opening and fluidity of the movement.
We are going to say goodbye after the lunch on Sunday around 2 pm.   ***Who exactly will be your guides through this body-mind four days process?*** Luciano Troncoso is an Argentinian tango teacher and multidisciplinary artist. He started with team sports and martial arts. Later, he changed to gymnastics and acrobatics and, finally, to Parkour & Free Running. In parallel, he learned tango, contemporary dance and folklore, which he currently teaches as well. Luciano has visited, danced and taught in more than 28 countries
and performed shows in various stages. He is also recognised as a juggler, magician, fire artist, actor, model and translator from English to Spanish.
Currently, Luciano resides and teaches in Berlin, (Germany) in
his own studio and in the Volkshochschule Mitte
(State College) with Gabriela Pereira (also from Rosario).
More:   Anna Rutkowska is a yoga teacher educated mostly in traditional Indian schools in classical yoga system and yoga therapy.
She combines her passions for yoga and tango creating a special program of yoga based exercises designed specially for tango dancers’ needs, using tools that allow to go deeper into body-mind-breath connection.
Her teaching and researches are directed into processes that help us to find what deeply hidden and what helps to reveal hidden patterns and conditions to re-condition them then consciously.
She’s been organising and leading various events and workshops in Poland, other European countries, India and Argentina.
Anna is also recognised for creating travel and reportage connected projects, at the moment working on a book about tango in India and connection of yoga with tango and meditation.
@Yoga with Anna
@Yoga para Tangueros
@Anna Rutkowska- Poza Horyzontem   Accommodation, meals and signs up: You will be accommodated in a dreamy possession called “Dreams and stones” in the forest, just by the crystal clean lake, in the three and four bads rooms. We propose you the regular rooms and special forest luxurious tents that giving all the comfort make you feel like living in the middle of the forest at the same time.
The sauna is made on a traditional way by the owner.
The meals are vegetarian, prepared mostly from the local organic products from nearby areas. All the dairy and egg products come from the happy animals grown by the neighbours.
The menu is inspired mostly by Indian, French, Indonesian and Italian traditions.
The bread is baked by the host, herbs available all the time to your disposal. All the workshops and milongas will be hold in the space with wooden floor, glass walls, surrounded by the forest to give you a feeling of being in the middle of the bush (and actually you are going to be), with a good sound system.   All the place is created with live and out of passion by an artist Wojciech Walicki.
More about the place:
@Sny i Kamienie Dreams and Stones *One day of accommodation including all the meals and sauna is 150 zl (35 euro), 450 zł for all the stay. *The workshops price is 150 euros (650 zl)
or early bird option 125 euros if payed until 21st of August (550 zl)
(13 workshops, milongas and practicas, cacao ceremony) There is only 14 spots available (or 18, I will know probably tomorrow). The confirmation of reservation is 70 euro (or 300 zl) pre-payed The workshops are constructed as a process, so there is no possibility of signing up for single days Signing up:   How to get to the place? Google map: Supienie 4a, Filipów By car:
Less than 4 hours from Warsaw
7 hours from Cracow
4 hours from Gdańsk



  • Location:
    Supienie, Poland (view map)
    Event dates:
    From: Donnerstag, 24 September 2020 - To: Sonntag, 27 September 2020
    Supienie, Poland (view map)
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Donnerstag, 24 September 2020
    Event Ends: Sonntag, 27 September 2020
  • Number of Participants:
    18 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    150 EUR - Euro Member Countries
    Number of Participants:
    18 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    150 EUR - Euro Member Countries
  • Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - No tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Samstag, 01 August 2020
    Registration Closes:
    Montag, 21 September 2020
    Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - No tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Samstag, 01 August 2020
    Registration Closes:
    Montag, 21 September 2020
  • Accommodation:
Read 4472 times Last modified on Freitag, 11 September 2020 14:09



Forestango is a project of Luciano De Esbornia (Argentina) and Anna Rutkowska (Poland). We offer retreats in beautiful places that combine intensive tango training with Yoga and wellness.
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