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Paradise INn TanGo Tango Holidays

Promoted by Tangopolix


Ball and Uncategorised

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Paradise INn TanGo Tango Holidays

Paradise INn TanGo Tango Holidays

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


in Repubblica Dominicana!!


La Repubblica Dominicana e’ un magnifico sogno da vivere. Il sole caldo tutto l’anno, il bianco abbagliante delle spiagge, i tramonti infuocati, il soffio degli alisei sui palmeti e i suoni seducenti del tango trasformano in poco tempo lo stato d’animo di ogni viaggiatore.
La Posizione.
Il Veraclub Canoa e’ situato nella costa sud-est della Repubblica Dominicana, sulla suggestiva spiaggia di Bayahibe, una delle piu’ belle e apprezzate spiagge di fronte alle isole di Saona e Catalina. Un paradiso nel Mar dei Caraibi fatto di palme, sabbia bianca e mare turchese.
Le classi tenute dai Maestri RICARDO LUIS GALLO e CARLA MARIA PAZ sono per Principianti (anche primi passi), Intermedi e Avanzati.
Si balla Tango dalle 22,30 alle 2,00 dal 9 al 14 Aprile compreso nella bella Sala che avremo in esclusiva con la musica del nostro Musicalizador argentino PUNTO Y BRANCA
Sono previste durante la settimana serate speciali e un Gala con esibizioni.
Siamo approdati!
La quota di participazione comprende trasferimenti aerei a/r
Bus interni a/r per gli spostamenti dall’aeroporto al Resort
7 notti nel Resort Veraclub Canoa in ALL Inclusive:
lezioni di tango, serate danzanti, colazione, pranzo, cena, bevande alcoliche e non, vino, caffè, soft drink, snack, succhi naturali, servizio in camera, spiaggia attrezzata, piscina


The Dominican Republic is a great dream to live .The warm sun all year round, the dazzling white of the beaches, fiery sunsets, the trade winds blowing the palm groves and the seductive sounds of merengue and bachata transform quickly the mood of every traveler. Between a crystalline sea and the intense and wild vegetation, breathe the peaceful air of a timeless place, enjoy the welcoming smile of the people inhabiting these places.
The Position. The Veraclub Canoe is located in the south-east coast of the Dominican Republic, on the picturesque beach of Bayahibe, one of the most' beautiful and popular beaches in front of the Saona and Catalina islands. A paradise in the Caribbean Sea made of palm trees, white sand and turquoise sea.
Lessons will be held by the Maestros RICARDO LUIS GALLO and CARLA MARIA PAZ at Beginners (first steps also), Intermediate and Advanced levels.
We will dance Tango each night from 9 to 14 April - from 10.30pm to 2.00am, in the lovely Room we will have at your complete disposal. Music by famous Argentine Musicalizador PUNTO Y BRANCA
In the course of the week a Special and a Gala event with performances will be held. Here we are on shore!
The participation fee includes: Roundtrip flights
Local coach service from airport to resort on arrival and resort to airport when we go away
ALL Inclusive 7 nights in The Veraclub Canoe:
Tango classes, dancing nights, breakfast, lunch, evening meal, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, wine, coffee, soft drinks, natural juices, room service, equipped beach, swimming pool.


  • Location:
    Bayahibe, Dominican Republic
    Event dates:
    From: Samstag, 08 April 2017 - To: Sonntag, 16 April 2017
    Bayahibe, Dominican Republic
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Samstag, 08 April 2017
    Event Ends: Sonntag, 16 April 2017
Read 3859 times


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