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10 Apulia Tango Festival

Promoted by Tangopolix


Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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10 Apulia Tango Festival

10 Apulia Tango Festival

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


10° Apulia Tango Festival Bari (Italy) - festival internazionale di tango argentino della città di Bari dal 1 al 4 giugno 2017 -
il tango dell'abbraccio”, il tango delle emozioni, il tango dell'eleganza, il tango dell'essere e non dell' tango dell'illusione!!

Un festival per rivivere l’atmosfera di Buenos Aires,
con il suo tango tradizionale, sociale, con i suoi ritmi musicali e notturni.

Una full immersion con alcuni dei migliori maestri e ballerini di livello internazionale.

Maestri e ballerini internazionali:
Javier Rodriguez y Moira Castellano
Ricardo Viqueira y Maria Plazaola
Fernando Sanchez y Ariadna Naveira

Ospiti special...............................

Tdj internazionali:
El Nene (Italy)
Javier Guiraldi (Argentina)
Tanita la Brujita (Italy)
y mas.............

10° Apulia Tango Festival.................. Bari (Italy) 01/06 -04/06/16
“the tango of embrace”,
the tango of emotions, the tango of elegance,
the tango of being and not of showing off, the tango of illusion.
The Festival will allow you to experience the real Buenos Aires
atmosphere, with its traditional, social tango, and with its night music rhythms.
A full immersion in the moods of tango together
with some of the most prestigious, renowned masters
in the world.
4 days and 4 nights in Bari, many artists, in the most welcoming land of Apulia,with workshops, live performances by the festival masters,
live music and milonga every night!

International teachers:
Javier Rodriguez & Moira Castellano
Ricardo Viqueira & Maria Plazaola
Fernando Sanchez & Ariadna Naveira

Special guests

Tdj international
El Nene (Italy)
Javier Guiraldi (Argentina)
Tanita la Brujita (Italy)
y mas.............


  • Location:
    Bari, Italy
    Event dates:
    From: Donnerstag, 01 Juni 2017 - To: Sonntag, 04 Juni 2017
    Bari, Italy
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Donnerstag, 01 Juni 2017
    Event Ends: Sonntag, 04 Juni 2017
  • Ariadna Naveira
    Fernando Sanchez
    Javier Rodriguez
    Maria Plazaola
    Moira Castellano
    Ricardo Viqueira
    Ariadna Naveira
    Fernando Sanchez
    Javier Rodriguez
    Maria Plazaola
    Moira Castellano
    Ricardo Viqueira
Read 4221 times


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