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Den Lille Festival

Playful Tango
Promoted by Tangopolix


Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 75% - 2 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 73% - 2 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 73% - 2 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 73.5% - 2 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 2 votes

Total Score

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Den Lille Festival

Den Lille Festival

Playful Tango
Playful Tango
74 out of 100 with 8 ratings


Du kan godt sætte kryds i kalenderen 26.-28. februar allerede nu, hvor vi afholder Den Lille Festival – Playful Tango.

Playful Tango handler om, hvordan vi kan lege og have det sjovt i vores tango. Give plads til kreativitet, til at være legesyg og invitere din partner ind i legen. Hvordan vi kan lege med trinnene, musikken og partneren.

Seminarerne Captain Hook! og Surprise your Partner lægger eksempelsvis op til, hvordan vi kan lege med nogle af vores trin, mens Slow in Flow og Musicality guided by Osvaldo Pugliese handler om legen med musikken. I de to workshops Changing Roles og Kick Arse er det partneren og rollerne vi tager en mere legende tilgang til.

Fredag 26.02

17:30-19:00 Followers’ Technique – Berna (All Levels)
19:15-20:45 Changing Roles – Bryndis & Anna (All Levels)

21:00-02:00 Milonga på Tangobar, Njalsgade 23D

Lørdag 27.02

13:15-15:30 Seminar: Captain Hook!– Anna & Martin (Tango 3-4)
13:15-15:30 Mega Musical Milonga – Kristian & Johanne (All Levels)

15:45-17:15 We swing. Rebounds in all Directions. – Anna & Martin (Tango Advanced Beginners – Tango 1-2)

15:45-17:15 Cheerful Tango with Enrique Rodriguez – Bryndis & Hany (All Levels)

17:30-19:00 Kick Arse – Hany & Martin (All Levels)
17:30-19:00 Bad Ass Boleos – Johanne & Kristian (Tango 3-4)

19:30-21:00 Fælles spisning for alle.

21:00-01:30 Special Milonga på M2tango Studio med show

Søndag 28.02

13:15-15:30 Seminar: Surprise your Partner! – Bryndis & Hany (Tango Advanced Beginners – Tango 1-2)

14:00-15:30 Musicality guided by Osvaldo Pugliese – Johanne & Kristian (Tango 3-4)

15:45-17:15 Slow in Flow – Anna & Martin (All Levels)

15:45-17:15 Playful Vals – Bryndis & Hany (All Levels)
17:30-19:00 Spicy Deep Sacadas – Johanne & Kristian (Tango Advanced Beginners – Tango 1-2) (Scroll ned)

17:30-18:30 Dans med en VEN. Tag en ven med til intro til tango, og giv ham eller hende en fantastisk start på tango.

18:30-23:00 TangoZoo Special med show


  • Location:
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Event dates:
    From: Freitag, 26 Februar 2016 - To: Sonntag, 28 Februar 2016
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Freitag, 26 Februar 2016
    Event Ends: Sonntag, 28 Februar 2016
Read 3900 times


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