Internationales Tango Festival in Baden Baden 2015
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Internationales Tango Festival in Baden Baden 2015
Internationales Tango Festival in Baden Baden 2015
50 out of
100 with
4 ratings
Friday 20th of November
Milonga de apertura @ KurhausCasino Baden-Baden
Time: 21.30 pm
Show: Francesco Panei & Eva Petruzzi
DJ: to be confirmed
Saturday 21st of November
Gran Noche de Tango @ Kurhaus Baden-Baden, BĂ©nazetsaal
Ezequiel Egtango Geraldin
Facundo Pinero & Vanesa Villalba
Leonel Mendieta & Natalia Hassan
Orchestra: Solo Tango Orquesta
DJ: Carlos Goiach
more information coming soon
- Location:
- Baden-Baden, Germany
- Event dates:
- From: Freitag, 20 November 2015 - To: Sonntag, 22 November 2015
- Location:
- Baden-Baden, Germany
- Event dates:
- Event Starts: Freitag, 20 November 2015
- Event Ends: Sonntag, 22 November 2015
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