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Tango Experiential Festival 2017

Have a vibrant experience with Tango Experiential
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Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 48.5% - 2 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 43.5% - 2 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 48.5% - 2 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 52% - 2 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 1 votes

Total Score

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Tango Experiential Festival 2017

Tango Experiential Festival 2017

Have a vibrant experience with Tango Experiential
Have a vibrant experience with Tango Experiential
48 out of 100 with 8 ratings


Tango Experiential Festival (TEF)
(11th -15th July 2017, Fužine, Croatia)

WEB and Booking:

This Tango Festival is the result of our dreams...
…and here is why you simply MUST join us!

• Every day milongas with mostly neo/contemporary tango music
TEF is envisaged as a gathering of neo tango and argentine tango lovers who wish to exchange their views and experiences and deepen their tango.

• The 6-senses Tango - explore your tango by engaging all your senses
The main theme of TEF is exploring the senses (sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch, the 6th sense – synesthesia plus intuition, inner knowing), each one of them (or more of them together), through the TEF programme activities. Evening milongas will also be thematically focused, emphasizing exploration of different senses.

• Expand your tango!
Every day innovative neo/contemporary tango workshops.

• Tango and more! - amazing additional workshops
Other than tango activities, with the view of deepening self-awareness and exploration of tango, we also offer the activities of yoga, meditation, thai massage workshops, creative movement workshops, contact improvisation, dancing to drum beats...

• Affordable! – only 20 euro per day
TEF is low budget festival organized on the principle of a day voucher that covers the costs of all the activities in that day (excluding excursions).

• Inspiring nature
Boat trip on the lake, hiking, visit a cave, horse-riding, cycling, swimming in the lake , all offered as a part of the Fužine tourist offer. Fužine is a small, mountain,tourist place surrounded by picturesque mountains and silence of ancient woods – ideal for introspection and meditation.

• Cosy accommodation and home-made food
Accommodation is organized in the Croatian shire with the family atmosphere, and home-made full boards, giving us a stronger sense of connection and togetherness.

Have a vibrant experience with Tango Experiential - come and taste what it means!

More information about programme, prices and registration on

Tango Experiential Festival (TEF)
(11.-15.07.2017., Fužine, Croatia)

WEB i Booking:

Ovaj festival tanga je proizašao iz naših snova...
i evo zašto nas jednostavno morate posjetiti!
• Milonge na pretežno neo/suvremenu tango glazbu svaku večer
TEF je zamišljen kao okupljanje ljubitelja neo i argentinskog tanga koji žele razmijeniti svoje poglede i iskustva te produbiti svoje razumijevanje i plesanje tanga.
• Tango 6 čula - istražite svoj tango uključivanjem svih svojih čula
Glavna tema TEF-a jest istraživanje čula (vida, mirisa, okusa, sluha, dodira i 6. čula – sinestezije i intuicije, unutarnjeg znanja), svakog od njih ili više njih zajedno, kroz program TEF-a. Večernje miloge su također tematski oblikovane, naglašavajući istraživanje različitih čula.
• Proširite svoj tango
Svakodnevne inovativne radionice neo/suvremenog tanga.
• Tango i više od toga – odlične dodatne radionice
Uz aktivnosti vezane uz tango, nudimo i dodatne aktivnosti, koje će produbiti vašu svijest o sebi i istraživanje samog tanga (poput joge, meditacije, plesanja uz zvuk bubnjeva, radionice tajlandske masaže, kreativnog pokreta, kontakt improvizacije...).
• Niske cijene – samo 20 eura dnevno
TEF je nisko-budžetni festival organiziran po principu dnevnog vouchera koji pokriva troškove svih aktivnosti tog dana (osim izleta).
• Inspirativna priroda

Izlet brodom po jezeru, planinarenje, posjet špilji, jahanje, bicikliranje, plivanje u jezeru, sve je to dio turističke ponude Fužine. Fužine su malo, planinsko, turističko mjesto okruženo slikovitim planinama i tišinom drevnih crnogoričnih šuma – idealno okruženje za introspekciju i meditaciju.

• Ugodan smještaj i domaća hrana

Smještaj je organiziran u Fužinarskoj kući obiteljske atmosfere. Osiguran je puni pansion, a očekuje vas domaća hrana.

Upustite se u pulsirajuće iskustvo Tango Experientiala – dođite i osjetite što to znači!
Više informacija o programu, cijenama i registraciji saznajte na


  • Location:
    Fužine, Croatia (view map)
    Event dates:
    From: Dienstag, 11 Juli 2017 - To: Samstag, 15 Juli 2017
    Fužine, Croatia (view map)
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Dienstag, 11 Juli 2017
    Event Ends: Samstag, 15 Juli 2017
  • Number of Participants:
    100 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    40 HRK - Croatia Kuna
    Number of Participants:
    100 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    40 HRK - Croatia Kuna
  • Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - No tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Samstag, 01 April 2017
    Registration Closes:
    Samstag, 15 Juli 2017
    Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - No tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Samstag, 01 April 2017
    Registration Closes:
    Samstag, 15 Juli 2017
  • Accommodation:
Read 8272 times




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