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Welsh Tango Festive Extravaganza International Festival

A fantastic opportunity to celebrate the start of the festive season with the Welsh Tango Community.
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Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
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Welsh Tango Festive Extravaganza International Festival

Welsh Tango Festive Extravaganza International Festival

A fantastic opportunity to celebrate the start of the festive season with the Welsh Tango Community.
A fantastic opportunity to celebrate the start of the festive season with the Welsh Tango Community.
50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


We would like to welcome you to the Welsh Tango Festive Extravaganza, Wales’ 1st International Tango Festival. The event will be run over the first weekend in December and include workshops from some of the World’s top tango teachers and performers as well as local talent plus a live music milonga ball and a chillout milonga tea dance. There will also be stalls selling clothing and shoes (ideal for Christmas presents). The event is aimed at all types and levels of tango dancer and we are sure no matter what your preference you will find something you enjoy. There is also limited opportunities to have private lessons from our guest teachers. 

Welcome and Introductions: 13:00-13:15
Workshop 1. 13:15-13:50 Barrida to Soltada taught by UTN. This workshop will look at using traditional techniques to lead baridas and exploring the technique to transition into a soltada. 
Workshop 2: 14:00-14:50 Introduction to Milonguero style taught by Eduardo Bozzo. This workshop will introduce you to Milonguero style, a close-embrace style of social tango dancing in which was developed from and is appropriate to crowded dance floors. 

Workshop 3: 15:00-15:50 TBC taught by Eduardo Bozzo

Workshop 4: 16:00-17:10 TBC taught by Nick Jones and Diana Cruz

Workshop 5: 17:20-18:30 Followers Sacadas taught by Nick Jones and Diana Cruz. This workshop will focus on giving followers the opportunity to do sacadas on the leader and teaching the followers to take opportunities to perform the sacada. 

Break/Dinner/Practica 18:30-19:30

Milonga Ball: 19:00-midnight. The ball will feature two live sets from Cabaret Tango and DJing from UTN who will be playing an equal mixture of traditional, nuevo and alternative music with some festive cortinas so that everybody has something to dance to. There will also be a snack buffet provided.


Workshop 6: 13:00-13:50 Introduction to Blues taught by TBC. Blues dancing shares many similarities with tango and this workshop will teach you some of basics and draw your attention to the similarities and differences. 

Workshop 7: 14:00-14:50 Fusion Taught by UTN. This workshop will look at the four ways to fusion dance styles together using the framework of Argentine Tango.

Workshop X: 13:00-15:00 Small Group Taught by Nick Jones and Diana Cruz. This workshop will be limited to just 6 couples who will have the teachers undivided attention. 

Chillout Milonga Tea Dance: 15:00-18:00. To finish off the weekend a chance to dance and socialise to relaxing music. UTN will be play a range of chillout music include tango, blues, smooth modern jive plus much more. 

Nick Jones and Diana Cruz are tango performers and teachers that travel the world sharing their technique and structure so that each individual student can ultimately reach their own expression in the dance. They believe that the goal of a teacher is to give everything away to the student, while the goal of the performer is to hide their secrets, so they can enamour and bedazzle the audience. Nick & Diana do both with fluid ease and grace. Read more about them on their website: 

Eduardo Bozzo comes from a family with a long tradition of tango and has taught and performed around Europe, Latin America and Asia and has been teaching in Bristol and the South West for more than 15 years. He believes passionately in tango’s intrinsic freedom of emotion and expression, respecting its cherished tradition while playing with the sensuality and creativity only tango can offer. Read more about him on his website: 

Urban Tango Nights (UTN) is a tango club based in Swansea taught by Chris and Alison with an aim for promoting all aspects of tango. Their teaching style is based on understanding of technique and breaking down components to their simplest elements while encouraging self-discovery and experimentation. Read more about them on their website: 

Cabaret Tango is a Bristol Based group of musicians playing an eclectic fusion of alternative and traditional tango music.

Libertas Atelier Designer Dance Wear. Original dance wear with modern flair for everyday class, rehearsals, social evening, milongas and more.

Fused - Handcrafted Glass Jewellery. Handcrafted fused glass jewellery and Christmas Decorations - unique - bespoke

Prices (Booking Essential, contact Urban Tango Nights on FB or email 
Full Pass 1 (Workshops 1-7 and 2 milongas) £80 or £150 per Couple
Full Pass 2 (Workshops 1-5 Plus Workshop X and 2 milongas) £130pp or £220 per Couple Only 6 Available
Workshop X Pass (Workshop X and Sunday Milonga) £60 pp or £100 per Couple, Only 6 Available
Full Saturday Pass (Workshops 1-5 and milonga ball) £70 pp or £130 per Couple 
Saturday Pass 1 (Workshops 1-5) £60 pp or £100 per Couple
Saturday Pass 2 (Any two Workshops plus Ball) £50 pp or £90 per Couple
Full Sunday Pass (Workshops 6-7 and Milonga) £20
Sunday Pass 1 (Workshops 6-7) £15
Milonga Pass (both Milongas) £20
Ball Pass (Saturday Milonga) £15
Chillout Pass (Sunday Milonga) £10

Refunds permitted if cancelling 1 month before the event (2nd November 2018), after this date it will be at the organiser’s discretion. Refunds will be given due to event cancellation. 

Accommodation and Facilities 
The University has plenty of free car parking at the weekend. During the event the University bar will be open until 1am and the shop until 10pm, both are situated in the same building as the room we will be using. There will also be a number of food outlets open around the campus. 

There is no accommodation included with any of the passes, however Swansea has a range of hotels situated close to the venue, the city centre, Mumbles and the Gower (ideal if you want to extend your trip and explore some of Britain’s most beautiful scenery).


  • Location:
    Swansea, UK (view map)
    Event dates:
    From: Samstag, 01 Dezember 2018 - To: Sonntag, 02 Dezember 2018
    Swansea, UK (view map)
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Samstag, 01 Dezember 2018
    Event Ends: Sonntag, 02 Dezember 2018
  • Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    130 GBP - United Kingdom Pound
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    130 GBP - United Kingdom Pound
  • Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - No tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Samstag, 23 Juni 2018
    Registration Closes:
    Freitag, 30 November 2018
    Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - No tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Samstag, 23 Juni 2018
    Registration Closes:
    Freitag, 30 November 2018
  • Nicholas Jones
    Diana Cruz
    Nicholas Jones
    Diana Cruz
  • Accommodation:
Read 12515 times Last modified on Dienstag, 18 September 2018 21:35


Urban Tango Nights

We are a Tango Club in Swansea, Wales. We have two weekly classes, a weekly freestyle, and guest teacher workshops and live music milongas. We love to see people having fun dancing, so our classes and freestyles welcome dancers from a variety of style backgrounds to try Tango and bring their own unique flair! Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!


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