Explotango Cardona Rave Marathon
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Explotango Cardona Rave Marathon
Explotango Cardona Rave Marathon
Explota el tango a pasitos de Barcelona
Explotango Cardona Rave Maraton 2ªEdicion
Te proponemos
Te invitamos
Te esperamos
para bailar 3 días sin parar!!!
7/8/9 de Septiembre 2018
Palau Guals
Cardona (a 90km de Barcelona)
*Con una propuesta variada de Djs (buscando jugar entre el tango tradicional, el tango de hoy y la música alternativa)
*Un espacio con 3 salas para bailar
*Cocina mediterránea a cargo de Sergio Grispello (il grande Cuoco)
*Alojamiento, duchas y sauna!!!
*Laboratorio de los sentidos( taller de tango)
*Sesiones de Yoga y Relax =)
... y para los más resistentes una NOCHE EXTRA!!!
Exploit the tango to the steps of Barcelona
Explotango Cardona Rave Maraton
We propose to you
We invited to you
We hoped to see you here
in order to dance without stopping for 3 days!
7/8/9 of September 2018
Palau Guals
Cardona (90km from Barcelona)
* With a varied proposal of Djs (looking to play between traditional tango, today's tango and alternative music)
* A venue with 3 dance rooms
* Mediterranean cuisine by Sergio Grispello (il grande Cuoco)
* Accommodation, showers and sauna !!!
*Laboratory of the senses (tango workshop)
* Yoga and Relax sessions =)
… and for the most resistants an EXTRA NIGHT!
- Location:
- Cardona, Spain
- Event dates:
- From: Freitag, 07 September 2018 - To: Sonntag, 09 September 2018
- Location:
- Cardona, Spain
- Event dates:
- Event Starts: Freitag, 07 September 2018
- Event Ends: Sonntag, 09 September 2018