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adventure starts here!

Maria Filali Gianpiero Galdi Budapest Seminar

Promoted by Tangopolix



Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Maestros ( technique, teaching skills ): 50% - 1 votes
Communication ( language, translations): 50% - 1 votes
Participants ( dancing level, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Maria Filali Gianpiero Galdi Budapest Seminar

Maria Filali Gianpiero Galdi Budapest Seminar

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


----------------- Scroll down for English! ------------------

Maria Filali és Gianpiero Galdi újra Budapesten!!!!

Ez a világhírű páros méltán szuper népszerű Budapesten is.
Több alkalommal jártak már nálunk és mindig elvarázsolták a tangós népet fantasztikus tudásukkal, táncukkal, kedvességükkel, humorukkal és elragadó személyiségükkel.
Ők azon kevés szupersztár párosok közé tartoznak, akiket nem lehet beskatulyázni egy-egy stílus mögé. Táncuk egyedi és összetéveszthetetlen. Elegáns, kreatív, humoros, organikus, kényelmes, magával ragadó és még sorolhatnám.

A hétvége programja (a változtatás jogát fenntartjuk):
március 3, péntek
18.00 - 19.20 follower's technique
19.30 - 20.50 leader's technique
21.00 - 22.20 professional seminar class 01

22.30 - 00.00 welcome milonguita (a workshop résztvevői számára ingyenes)

március 4, szombat
13.00 - 14.20 WS01: Walking: reaction and sensibility, keeping a continuous connection, the concept of "Density". (intermadiate/advance)
14.50 - 16.10 Ganchos: technic and dynamic building of the different ganchos. (intermediate)
16.30 - 17.50 professional seminar class 02

18.00 - 22.00 délutáni milonga (3 euros)

március 5, vasárnap
15.00 - 16.20 Changing the axis of the "giro"; to leader/follower; planeos, lapices, enrosques. (intermediate)
16.50 - 18.10 »The Mood of the dance », Musicality, Expressivity and Intensity. Playing with tone, speed, dynamic. Concrete and useful tools to trigger communication and enrich interpretation.
How our attitude influence the dance and consciously play with it. (all levels)
18.30 - 19.50 professional seminar 03

20.00 -21.00 practica
21.00 - 01.00 Grand milonga with show of Maria & Gianpiero

Minden óra angol nyelven zajlik.

Helyszín: Tango Factory
1085 Budapest, Mária utca 54.

- professional seminar 70 euro
(A profiknak szóló szemináriumra meghívásos alapon lehet jelentkezni, maximum létszám 14 pár. A szeminárium 3 db 80 perces órából áll, ami egy egységnek számít.)

- workshopok és technika órák:
Super early bird (december 1-31 között fizetve) 17 euro/fő/ws,
early bird (február 28-ig) 20 euro/fő/ws,
a helyszínen fizetve 25 euro/fő/ws.

A technika órákra egyedül kell jelentkezésni.
A workshop órákra elsőbbséget élveznek a páros jelentkezések.
A létszám minden órán limitált!!!

--------------- English ------------------------

Maria Filali & Gianpiero Galdi are back in town!!!

This world famous teacher couple is super popular in Budapest as well. They have been here several times and they always enchanted local tango dancers with their high level knowledge about tango, with their performances, their charm, great humor and lovely personality. They are one of the few tango stars whom you can not put under any label. Their dance is unique and uncommon.
Elegant, creativ, humorous, organic, comfortable and immersive.

Schedule (we keep the right to change the program):
- Friday, 3rd March
18.00 - 19.20 follower's technique
19.30 - 20.50 leader's technique
21.00 - 22.20 professional seminar class01

22.30 - 00.00 welcome milonguita (free of charge for workshop participants)

- Saturday, 4th March
13.00 - 14.20 WS01: Walking: reaction and sensibility, keeping a continuous connection, the concept of "Density". (intermadiate/advance)
14.50 - 16.10 WS02: Ganchos: technic and dynamic building of the different ganchos. (intermediate)
16.30 - 17.50 professional seminar class02

18.00 - 22.00 afternoon milonga (3 euros)

- Sunday, 5th March
15.00 - 16.20 WS03: Changing the axis of the "giro"; to leader/follower; planeos, lapices, enrosques. (intermediate)
16.50 - 18.10 WS04: »The Mood of the dance », Musicality, Expressivity and Intensity. Playing with tone, speed, dynamic. Concrete and useful tools to trigger communication and enrich interpretation. How our attitude influence the dance and consciously play with it. (all levels)
18.30 - 19.50 professional seminar class03

20.00 -21.00 practica
21.00 - 01.00 milonga with show of Maria & Gianpiero (7 euro)

All programs will take place at
Tango Factory Budapest
1085 Budapest, Mária utca 54.

- professional seminar 70 euro
(Invitation only seminar for maximum 14 couples. Includes 3 times 80 minutes workshops.)

- workshops and technique classes:
Super early bird (until the 31th December): 17 euro/pers/ws
Early bird (til the 1st of March): 20 euro/pers./ws
On the spot : 25 euro/pers/ws

Individual registration is needed for the technique classes.
For workshop classes, registrations in couples will have the priority.
The number of participants are limited!!!


  • Location:
    Budapest, Hungary
    Event dates:
    From: Freitag, 03 März 2017 - To: Sonntag, 05 März 2017
    Budapest, Hungary
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Freitag, 03 März 2017
    Event Ends: Sonntag, 05 März 2017
Read 3790 times


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