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Pablo Inza Sofia Saborido Helsinki 2017

Three days, workshops including intensive mini-seminars, milongas, show
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Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Maestros ( technique, teaching skills ): 50% - 1 votes
Communication ( language, translations): 50% - 1 votes
Participants ( dancing level, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Pablo Inza Sofia Saborido Helsinki 2017

Pablo Inza Sofia Saborido Helsinki 2017

Three days, workshops including intensive mini-seminars, milongas, show
Three days, workshops including intensive mini-seminars, milongas, show
50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Pablo Inza & Sofia Saborido
ensimmäistä kertaa Helsingissä! /
In Helsinki for the first time!
Järjestää / Organised by Amigos del Tango ry

Argentiinalaiset tanssijat Pablo Inza ja Sofia Saborido vierailivat opettajina AdT:n kesäleirillä vuonna 2016 ja saapuvat nyt ensimmäistä kertaa Helsinkiin opettamaan ja esiintymään. Luovasta ja dynaamisesta tyylistään tunnetulla Pablolla on ollut merkittävä rooli argentiinalaisen tangon nykykentän kehityksessä. Hän on opettanut ja esiintynyt ympäri maailmaa jo vuodesta 1999. Sofian suvussa on tangomuusikoita ja -tanssijoita useassa sukupolvessa, ja niin hänellä kuin Pablollakin on tangon lisäksi nykytanssi- ja teatteritausta. Taitava ja karismaattinen pari on työskennellyt yhdessä vuodesta 2013. Suosittelemme heidän herkkävaistoista ja analyyttistä opetustaan kaiken tasoisille tanssijoille! Viikonloppuna on tuntien lisäksi useita milongoja, ja tapahtuman takia kannattaa saapua Helsinkiin kauempaakin. Nähdään marraskuussa!
Argentinian dancers Pablo Inza and Sofia Saborido visited Finland in 2016 as teachers at the AdT summer camp. This autumn they will teach and perform in Helsinki for the first time. Known for his creative, dynamic style, Pablo has been an infuential figure in the development of today's Argentine tango scene, and he has been teaching and performing around the world since 1999. Sofia was born into a family of tango dancers and musicians in several generations. Both she and Pablo have a background in contemporary dance and theatre as well as tango. This experienced and charismatic couple has been working together since 2013. We can recommend their sensitive and analytical teaching to dancers of all levels! There will be several milongas during the weekend in addition to the workshops, and this event will be worth travelling for. Welcome to Helsinki in November!

Näin Pablo & Sofia kertovat lähestymistavastaan opettamiseen: /
This is how Pablo & Sofia describe their approach to teaching:

”VISION "In improvisation, we trust." About tango, we love the possibility to build the dance through small moments. Even if we use patterns while dancing, we challenge the couple to decide step-by-step what will come next. We believe in the real improvisation.

CLASSES In our classes, the dancers will work on awakening the body awareness and connection in order to develop the physical dialogue within the couple. Our technique work doesn’t only have an aesthetic purpose, it rather helps to find the comfort of the dancers in a relaxed and sensitive embrace. To stimulate the improvisation in your dance, we focus on short and useful situations rather than long sequences.

GOAL We provide students with useful information to help them develop a personal and creative dance, encouraging the diversity that we so much love about tango.”


Pe/Fri 10.11.2017
Milonga del Engel 21:00-02:00
Café Engel, Aleksanterinkatu 26
DJ Pablo Inza (ARG)
La/Sat 11.11.2017
Milonga del Ático 21:00-02:00
El Ático, Kumpulantie 1
Pablon & Sofian esitys / Performance by Pablo & Sofia
DJ Jenni Valli


Pablo ja Sofia pitävät kolme kahden oppitunnin pituista miniseminaaria lauantaina ja sunnuntaina (ks. ohjelma alla). Kahden oppitunnin rakenne tuo oppimiseen jatkuvuutta ja mahdollistaa kullekin ryhmälle intensiivisen, keskittyneen työskentelyn saman aihepiirin parissa. Siksi suosittelemme osallistumista miniseminaarin molemmille tunneille! Perjantain tunti on erillinen kokonaisuus. Ilmoittaudu etukäteen tästä 13.9. alkaen:
Pablo and Sofia will give three mini-seminars consisting of two lessons on Saturday and Sunday (see programme below). This structure gives continuity to the process of learning and makes it possible for the group to work on a topic in a more focussed, intense way. That’s why we recommend that you attend both lessons of each mini-seminar you choose! Friday’s lesson has a separate theme. Registration in advance here from 13 September:

Pe/Fri 10.11.

Friday special: small cute moves for dancing in reduced spaces (All levels except total beginners)

La/Sat 11.11. & Su/Sun 12.10
The seminars:

1. The Technique Seminar
Deep work on fundamentals that we always need, in a “take-it-easy” way. Understanding the dancing body (balance and axis in motion), the connection (to make the couple move together). Engines of movement and dissociation. Linear and the circular movement. (All levels except total beginners.)
2. Changes of embrace.
Close embrace? Open embrace? Both? Use what you need. Rolling, sliding, opening. Options and circumstances. How to adapt the bodies within the couple according to the different needs in various situations. (Intermediate/Advanced)
3. Dance to the music.
Stop doing copy paste while dancing! Some tips for musical interpretation using qualities of movement to enrich your dance. Go out of your comfort zone and be in tune with the music. (Intermediate/Advanced)

La/Sat 11.11.

13:00-14:30 The Technique Seminar Part 1.
14:45-16:15 Changes of embrace. Part 1.
17:00-18:30 Dance to the music. Part 1.

Su/Sun 12.11.

13:00-14:30 The Technique Seminar Part 2.
14:45-16:15 Changes of embrace. Part. 2.
17:00-18:30 Dance to the music. Part 2.

Hinnat: / Prices:

Yksi tunti 90 min. / One workshop 90 min. 25€
Kaikki tunnit pe-su (7x90min.) / All workshops Fri-Sun (7x90min.) 150€

Maksu: saat laskun sähköpostitse sen jälkeen kun ilmoittautumisesi on vahvistettu. /
Payment: you will receive an invoice by e-mail after your registration has been confirmed.

Kysymyksiä / Questions (FIN/ENG)

Voinko osallistua miniseminaariin vain yhtenä päivänä?

Ilmoittautumisessa etusija on niillä, jotka ottavat miniseminaarin molemmat tunnit. Paikkoja on rajoitetusti.

Voinko ilmoittautua tunnille ilman paria?

Voit ilmoittautua ilman paria, mutta osallistumisesi vahvistuu vasta sitten, kun pari on löytynyt. Kannattaa siksi olla aktiivinen ja etsiä paria esimerkiksi tunneilta ja milongoista. Kysy kavereiltasi, ovatko he jo ilmoittautuneet!

Muuta kysyttävää? Kirjoita osoitteeseen


Can I attend a mini-seminar on one day only?

Those who take both classes of a seminar take priority in the registration process. There is a limited number of places available.

Can I register without a partner?

You can register for the workshops without a partner but your registration will be confirmed only when a partner has been found. This is why it’s a good idea to be active and look for a partner at tango lessons and milongas. Ask your friends if they have registered!

Other questions? Write to us at



  • Location:
    Kumpulantie 1, Helsinki, Finland (view map)
    Event dates:
    From: Freitag, 10 November 2017 - To: Sonntag, 12 November 2017
    Kumpulantie 1, Helsinki, Finland (view map)
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Freitag, 10 November 2017
    Event Ends: Sonntag, 12 November 2017
  • Is registration required prior to the event?
    Recommended - Tickets might be available at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Mittwoch, 13 September 2017
    Is registration required prior to the event?
    Recommended - Tickets might be available at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Mittwoch, 13 September 2017
  • Pablo Inza
    Sofia Saborido
    Pablo Inza
    Sofia Saborido
  • Accommodation:
Read 8956 times


Amigos del Tango

Argentine tango association based in Helsinki, Finland.


Kumpulantie 1, Helsinki, Finland Pin icons from Medialoot


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