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Summer Tango Intensive Seminar - Pablo Inza - Sofia Sabordo

SUMMER TANGO INTENSIVE SEMINAR with Pablo and Sofia, August 16th to 19th in NIce, the French Riviera
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Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 75% - 2 votes
Maestros ( technique, teaching skills ): 75% - 2 votes
Communication ( language, translations): 75% - 2 votes
Participants ( dancing level, leader/follower ratio): 75% - 2 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 1 votes

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Summer Tango Intensive Seminar - Pablo Inza - Sofia Sabordo

Summer Tango Intensive Seminar - Pablo Inza - Sofia Sabordo

SUMMER TANGO INTENSIVE SEMINAR with Pablo and Sofia, August 16th to 19th in NIce, the French Riviera
SUMMER TANGO INTENSIVE SEMINAR with Pablo and Sofia, August 16th to 19th in NIce, the French Riviera
75 out of 100 with 8 ratings


1st summer TANGO INTENSIVE SEMINAR with SOFÍA SABORIDO and PABLO INZA will be held from Wednesday 16 to Saturday 19 August 2017 in Nice, the amazing French Riviera.

A special 15 hours tango training program in 4 days including outdoor milongas and the special closing Milonganiza! on Saturday evening.

Come and make part of this unique weekend that offers an intensive study seminar to give quality to your dance, working gradually and thoroughly in a magnificent location.

Get all the info and book your spot at

1ère séminaire INTENSIF de TANGO d'été avec SOFÍA SABORIDO et PABLO INZA du mercredi 16 au samedi 19 août 2017 à Nice, sur l’extraordinaire Côte d'Azur.

Un programme spécial d'entraînement de tango de 15 heures en 4 jours, des milongas en plein air et une milonga de clôture spéciale le samedi soir.

Venez nous joindre dans cet évènement unique qui vous offre un séminaire d’étude intensif pour nourrir la qualité de votre tango, tout en travaillant progressivement et en profondeur dans un endroit de rêve.

Obtenez toutes les informations et réservez votre place à


  • Location:
    Nice, France (view map)
    Event dates:
    From: Mittwoch, 16 August 2017 - To: Samstag, 19 August 2017
    Nice, France (view map)
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Mittwoch, 16 August 2017
    Event Ends: Samstag, 19 August 2017
  • Number of Participants:
    40 dancers
    Number of Participants:
    40 dancers
  • Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - couples only
    Registration Opens:
    Donnerstag, 08 Juni 2017
    Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - couples only
    Registration Opens:
    Donnerstag, 08 Juni 2017
  • Pablo Inza
    Sofia Saborido
    Pablo Inza
    Sofia Saborido
Read 7709 times


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1 comment

  • Comment Link Pablo Inza

    Get Ready! Booking Opens Thursday!

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