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AbrazTango Jubilaums Wochenende Anniversary Weekend

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Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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AbrazTango Jubilaums Wochenende Anniversary Weekend

AbrazTango Jubilaums Wochenende Anniversary Weekend

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


AbrazTango anniversary weekend!
Cafe Milongas.... Milongas... Shows... Workshops and more!
Maestros, Artists & DJs
Martin Vicente & Ayelen Urrutia (AbrazTango, ARG)
Thito Amante (Akkordeon, ARG)
Fernando "Chucky" Romero (Tango & Folklore, ARG)
Raul Islas & Adriana Romero (Tango y Punto Bilbao, ES)
Eloy Prim & Corina Brunner (AbrazTango, ARG - DE)
DJ Paolo Ferrari (Frankfurt Tango Society)
DJ Siva Krishnamoorthy (Maastricht, NL)
DJ Thes Obhof (Karlsruhe)

FRIDAY 7.10. MARKUSSAAL KARLSRUHE (Weinbrennerstr. 23)
starting 20:00 h until 22:00 h (door opens 19:45 h)
Tango Dinner Show "Ciudad Costera"
Tapas-Buffet with delicious food directly from spanish producer, Welcome-Drink (with or without alcohol) and "Ciudad Costera", an integrative Show with Live-Music, Tango Music of famous Orchestras, Show-Blocks Tango and Folklore, but you will also have the chance to dance yourself and the entry for the milonga afterwards is included in the package. Let yourself be surprised and enchanted by Ciudad Costera and its artists: Martin Vicente, Ayelen Urrutia, Thito Amante, Fernando Chucky Romero!
Max. 60 persons - price 45 EUR/person
Reservation obilgatory!

From ca. 22:00 Uhr open Milonga DJ Paolo Ferrari (Tango Society Frankfurt)
Welcome Drink (with or without alcohol), short live music blocks from Thito Amante and Tango Show from Maestro couple after midnight.

SATURDAY 08.10. SON LATINO KARLSRUHE (Studio 2 Gablonzerstr. 9)

WORKSHOPS (room 3, studio 2, 2. OG)
13:00 - 15:00 Milonga lisa y traspie (Raul & Adriana)
Full floor? Even better! Elements for little space in Milonga

15:30 - 17:30 Vals (Eloy & Corina)
Turns, Sacadas and Variations in musicality for dreaming together in 3/4. Playful and challenging!

18:00 - 20:00 El Abrazo – Martin & Ayelen
"el Abrazo" the Basis of a perfect Tango and the heart of our school! Embrace in walking variations and challenging figures from a point of embrace view.

14:00 - 19:00 Coffee-Talk-Milonga - Welcome drink and cake for a perfect coffee talk milonga!
Chacarera animation with live music!

21:00 - 03:00 Anniversary-Milonga with two Shows, Livemusic-Acts and lots of surprises!

SUNDAY 09.10. SON LATINO BADEN-BADEN (Güterbahnhofstr.9)
14:00 - 19:00 Brunch-Milonga in Baden-Baden
DJ Thes Obhof
Homemade bread and delicious toppings and more!
Workshop Folklore 16:00 - 16:45


Dinner Show „Ciudad Costera“ 45 EUR/Person
(includes: Welcome Drink, Tapas Buffet, Show and Milonga) - max. 60 places, reservation obligatory

one Workshop 30 EUR/Person
two Workshops 50 EUR/Person

each Milonga 10 EUR/Person


Birthday "light" 80 EUR/Person
(two Workshops, all Milongas)

Birthday "full" 100 EUR/Person
(all Workshops, all Milongas)

Birthday "just dance" 35 EUR/Person
(all Milongas)


Closest hotel to the main venue on Saturday:

Who prefers more central acommodation close to Friday milonga but good access via S5 tram to Son Latino
S5 line takes you to "Mühlburg West" it is 5 min walking distance to Son Latino from there.


  • Location:
    see description for location details, Karlsruhe, Germany (view map)
    Event dates:
    From: Freitag, 07 Oktober 2016 - To: Sonntag, 09 Oktober 2016
    see description for location details, Karlsruhe, Germany (view map)
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Freitag, 07 Oktober 2016
    Event Ends: Sonntag, 09 Oktober 2016
  • Is registration required prior to the event?
    Recommended - Tickets might be available at the door
    Is registration required prior to the event?
    Recommended - Tickets might be available at the door
Read 7727 times Last modified on Montag, 04 Juli 2016 16:41



Tango School AbrazTango situated in Karlsruhe Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!


see description for location details, Karlsruhe, Germany Pin icons from Medialoot


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