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Belgrade Tango Weekend

Republic Day Edition Special Milonga
Promoted by Tangopolix


Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

Total Score

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Belgrade Tango Weekend

Belgrade Tango Weekend

Republic Day Edition Special Milonga
Republic Day Edition Special Milonga
50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Please find English version below.

Nekada praznik kome smo se svi radovali, a danas dobar povod za okupljanje tangera i tangerosa iz celog regiona :)

Dođite da u zagrljaju proslavimo Dan Republike :)

Beogradski tango vikend (27 - 29. novembar):

Petak, 27. novembar: Specijalna Milonga Alma (nastupi plesnih parova ITN-a),

Subota, 28. novembar: Gran Milonga u SKC-u (nastupi plesnih parova ITN-a), ulaz 400 dinara, za studente i srednjoškolce 200 dinara.

Moguća i dnevna milonga u nedelju.

Za sve goste iz drugih gradova poklanjamo BESPLATNE ČASOVE tokom trajanja Beogradskog tango vikenda!

21h: Napredna grupa

14:30: Praktikalonga
16:30: Niži srednji nivo
18h: Srednji nivo
19:30: Viši srednji nivo

16:30: Niži srednji nivo
18h: Srednji nivo
19:30: Viši srednji nivo

Zagrljaj :)

English version:

The Republic Day (November 29) used to be the major holyday in Ex-Yugoslavia, which everybody celebrated with great joy. Although it has been discontinued, it would be a pity not to celebrate it again :). Of course, we’ll do it our way, by dancing tango, all weekend long :) Join us!

Belgrade Tango Weekend (November 27-29):

Friday, November 27: Special Milonga Alma (Teatar 78) - Performances of ITN Dance Couples Included,

Saturday, November 28: Gran Milonga in SKC - Performances of ITN Dance Couples Included,

Daily milonga on Sunday?

SPECIAL GIFT: Free tango classes for all our guests!

21h: Class - Advanced level

14:30: Practicalonga
16:30: Class – Beginner/Intermediate Level
18: Class – Intermediate Level
19:30: Class – Intermediate/Advanced Level

16:30: Class – Beginner/Intermediate Level
18: Class – Intermediate Level
19:30: Class – Intermediate/Advanced Level


  • Location:
    Belgrade, Serbia
    Event dates:
    From: Freitag, 27 November 2015 - To: Sonntag, 29 November 2015
    Belgrade, Serbia
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Freitag, 27 November 2015
    Event Ends: Sonntag, 29 November 2015
Read 4234 times Last modified on Mittwoch, 04 November 2015 17:51


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