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1er Encuentro Milonguero Mundial en Las Alturas Cusco

Fiesta del Amor y Matrimonio Masivo Milonguero Servinacuy Opcional
Promoted by Tangopolix


Marathon and Encuentro

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Music & DJs: 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

Total Score

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1er Encuentro Milonguero Mundial en Las Alturas Cusco

1er Encuentro Milonguero Mundial en Las Alturas Cusco

Fiesta del Amor y Matrimonio Masivo Milonguero Servinacuy Opcional
Fiesta del Amor y Matrimonio Masivo Milonguero Servinacuy Opcional
50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Encuentro Milonguero Cusco 2016: Fiesta del Amor y MMM (Matrimonio Masivo Milonguero Servinacuy Opcional)
Dirigido a Todos los amantes del TANGO del Mundo: Solter@s, Casad@s, Divorciado@s, Viudos, etc
Clases, Milongas, Ceremonia Andina con pago a la Pachamama y cierre "Gran Milonga Acholada"
Alojamiento, Comidas, Paseos, etc
La Gardel Festeja el Amor en todos sus aspectos, Que viva el AMOR!!!
porque en "La Gardel"..todo pero TODO ES AMOR

Cusco meeting Milonguero 2016: Feast of Love and MMM (Marriage Milonguero Servinacuy Optional) For all lovers of tango:
Classes, milongas, Andean ceremony with payment to the Pachamama and closing with a party Milonguera " Gran Milonga de ACholada"
Lodging, meals, sightseeing, etc.
The Gardel Celebrate love in all its aspects, live the LOVE !!!
because in "The Gardel" .. everything but everything is love

Incontro Cusco Milonguero 2016: Feast of Love e MMM (Matrimonio Milonguero Servinacuy Opcional)
Rivolto a tutti gli amanti del mondo di Tango: Solter @ s, s sposato, divorziato @ s, etc.
Lezioni, milonga, cerimonia andina con pagamento alla Pachamama e Chiudemmo con un party "Gran Milonga Acholada"
Alloggi, pasti, visite guidate, e molto di Più
Il Gardel celebrare l'amore in tutti i suoi aspetti, vivere l'amore !!!
perché in "The Gardel" .. tutto ma tutto è amore


  • Location:
    Cuzco, Peru
    Event dates:
    From: Viernes, 05 Agosto 2016 - To: Domingo, 07 Agosto 2016
    Cuzco, Peru
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Viernes, 05 Agosto 2016
    Event Ends: Domingo, 07 Agosto 2016
Read 3938 times Last modified on Martes, 19 Enero 2016 19:55


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