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San Carlos International Full Moon Tango Festival

Promoted by Tangopolix


Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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San Carlos International Full Moon Tango Festival

San Carlos International Full Moon Tango Festival

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


San Carlos está ubicado en el golfo de California, (mar de Cortés) a 15 km al norte de la ciudad de Guaymas, en el estado de Sonora. Rodeado de montañas y playas, este territorio ofrece paisajes únicos. Tiene alrededor de 2,264 habitantes y entre ellos hay muchos extranjeros, la mayoría estadounidenses y canadienses que viven ahí durante el invierno por su clima favorable. Se pueden practicar diversas actividades como la pesca, el buceo y excursionismo. San Carlos está a 120 km de Hermosillo que cuenta con un aeropuerto internacional y a 350 km (4 horas aproximadamente) en automóvil de la frontera de Arizona en los Estados Unidos por la Carretera Federal 15.

PRESENTACIÓN: el festival se engalana con la presencia de la orquesta Sexteto Milonguero, los bailarines Dana Frigoli & Adrián Romeo Ferreyra y DJ’s internacionales. Ofrece 5 días de tango en “Casa Sede", pre-milongas en la playa, prácticas guiadas, clases magistrales y actividades relacionadas con el tango danza. Venta de indumentaria, zapatos de tango, CD´s, sorteos y sorpresas.

Miércoles 4:
8pm a 2am Milonga de Apertura (Casa Sede)

jueves 5:
8 a 10am Desayuno
11am a 12.30pm Clase Magistral con Dana y Adrián
1 a 3pm Lunch
3 a 5pm Práctica guiada
5 a 7pm Clase y conferencia sobre "Los yeites del tango" impartida por los músicos del Sexteto Milonguero. Dirigido a músicos, cantantes y bailarines (Casa Sede)
7 a 9pm Pre-milonga en el mar (Playa San Francisco)
10pm a 5am Milonga de Bienvenida (Casa Sede)

Viernes 6:
8 a 10am Desayuno
11am a 12.30pm Clase Magistral con Dana y Adrián
1 a 3pm Lunch
3 a 5pm Práctica guiada
6 a 8pm Concierto del Sexteto Milonguero (solo concierto, no es milonga, abierto para público en general) en Sunset Bar & Grill (Playa Algodones)
8 a 10pm Pre-milonga en el mar (Playa San Francisco)
10pm a 5am Milonga Full Moon con exhibición de Tara Frontier y David Cohen (Casa Sede)

Sábado 7:
8 a 10am Desayuno
11am a 12.30pm Clase Magistral con Dana y Adrián
3 a 5pm Práctica guiada
6 a 8pm Pre-milonga en el mar (Playa San Francisco)
10pm a 5am Milonga Mortal Tango con la actuación del Sexteto Milonguero y exhibición de los bailarines Dana Frigoli & Adrián Romeo Ferreyra y Frania Jazmin Ceja Abarca & Claudio Crecciente + Dj´s (Casa Sede)

Domingo 8:
8 a 10am Desayuno
Clases particulares (horario previamente acordado con los maestros)

Claudio Crecciente (Argentina) y Tara Frontier (Estados Unidos)

Casa Sede: pista de 300m² donde se dictarán las clases, las prácticas y las milongas oficiales del festival, piscina, patio con mesas para bar-bufete con comidas y bebidas. Stands de venta de joyería de turquesa, indumentaria, zapatos de tango, CD´s y masajistas. Desayuno

Pack: A
3 Milongas
3 Clases Magistrales
3 Prácticas Guiadas
4 Desayunos
Clase y conferencia del Sexteto Milonguero
Alojamiento incluido en hotel con habitaciones compartidas
________________ $500.00 USD - $8,550 MN

Pack: B
3 Milongas
3 Clases Magistrales
3 Prácticas Guiadas
3 Desayunos
________________ $300.00 USD - $5,130.00 Mex.

Pack: C
3 Milongas
3 Clases Magistrales
3 Prácticas Guiadas
________________ $250.00 USD - $4,275.00 MN.

Pack: D
3 Milongas
________________ $150.00 USD - $2,565.00 MN

Pack: E
3 Clases Magistrales
________________ $100.00 USD - $1,710.00 MN

1 Clase Magistral $40.00 USD - $684.00 MN
1 Clase privada con Dana Frigoli $140.00 USD - $2,394.00 MN
1 Clase privada con Adrián Romeo Ferreyra $110.00 USD - $1,881.00 MN
1 Práctica guiada $10.00 USD - $171.00 MN
1 Desayuno $10.00 USD - $171.00 MN
Milonga del miércoles con entrada libre y gratuita
Milonga jueves $25.00 USD - $427.00 MN
Milonga viernes $25.00 USD - $427.00 MN
Clase y conferencia del Sexteto Milonguero $20.00 USD - $342.00 MN
Concierto del Sexteto Milonguero $50.00 USD - $855.00 MN
Milonga sábado con música en vivo + exhibiciones $100.00 USD - $1,710.00 MN

* Estos precios están disponibles hasta el 4 de septiembre. Luego tendrán un incremento del 10%.

**Estos precios no incluyen IVA (16%)


English Version:

*San Carlos Sonora is an easy place to visit as it sits in the hassle free zone of northern mexico a five hour drive from Tucson Arizona. In the hassle free zone no visa is required or permits for cars should you decide to drive down.

San Carlos is located in the Gulf of California, (Sea of Cortez) 15 km north of the city of Guaymas, in the state of Sonora. Surrounded by mountains and beaches, this territory offers unique landscapes. It has about 2,264 inhabitants and among them there are many foreigners, the majority being Americans and Canadians that live there during the winter by its favorable climate. You can practice various activities such as fishing, diving and hiking. San Carlos is 120 km from Hermosillo which has an international airport and 350 km (4 hours approximately) by car from the Arizona border in the United States by Federal Highway 15.

PRESENTATION: the festival has the pleasure to present the orchestra Sexteto Milonguero, the dancers Dana Frigoli & Adrián Romeo Ferreyra and international DJ's. It offers 5 days of tango in "Casa Sede", pre-milongas on the beach, guided practices, master classes and activities related to the tango dance. Sale of clothing, tango shoes, CDs, drawings and surprises.


Wednesday 4:
8pm to 2am Opening Milonga (Headquarters)

Thursday 5:
8 to 10am Breakfast
11am to 12.30pm Master Class with Dana and Adrian
1 to 3pm Lunch
3 to 5pm Guided practice
5 to 7pm Class and conference on "The yeites of the tango" given by the musicians of the Sexteto Milonguero. Aimed at musicians, singers and dancers (Headquarters)
7 to 9pm Pre-milonga at sea (San Francisco Beach)
10pm to 5am Welcome Milonga (Headquarters)

Friday 6:
8 to 10am Breakfast
11am to 12.30pm Master Class with Dana and Adrian
1 to 3pm Lunch
3 to 5pm Guided practice
6 to 8pm Concert of Sexteto Milonguero (only concert, not milonga, open to the general public) at Sunset Bar & Grill (Playa Algodones)
8 a 10pm Pre-milonga at sea (Playa San Francisco)
10pm to 5am Milonga Full Moon with exhibition by Tara Frontier and David Cohen (Headquarters)

Saturday 7:
8 to 10am Breakfast
11am to 12.30pm Master Class with Dana and Adrian
3 to 5pm Guided practice
6 to 8pm Pre-milonga at sea (San Francisco Beach)
10pm to 5am Milonga Mortal Tango with the performance of the Sexteto Milonguero and Dana Frigoli & Adrián Romeo Ferreyra and Franz Jazmin Ceja Abarca & Claudio Crecciente + Dj's (Headquarters)

Sunday 8:
8 to 10am Breakfast
Private lessons (schedule previously agreed with teachers)

MUSICALIZATION: Claudio Crecciente (Argentina) and Tara Frontier (United States)

Casa Sede: 300m² court where classes, practices and official milongas of the festival will be held, swimming pool, patio with tables for bar-buffet with food and drinks. Stands selling turquoise jewelery, clothing, tango shoes, CD's and masseurs. Breakfast

Package: A
3 Milongas
3 Master Classes
3 Guided Practices
4 Breakfasts
Class and conference of Sexteto Milonguero
Accommodation included in hotel with shared rooms
________________ $500.00 USD - $ 8,550.00 MN
Package: B
3 Milongas
3 Master Classes
3 Guided Practices
3 Breakfasts
________________ $300.00 USD - $ 5,130.00 MN
Package: C
3 Milongas
3 Master Classes
3 Guided Practices
________________ $250.00 USD - $4,275.00 MN
Package: D
3 Milongas
________________ $150.00 USD - $2,565.. MN
Package: E
3 Master Classes
________________ $100.00 USD - $ 1,710.00 MN

1 Private lesson with Dana Frigoli $140 USD - $2394 MN
1 Private lesson with Adrián Romeo Ferreyra $110.00 USD - $1,881.00 MN
1 Guided practice $10.00 USD - $171.00 MN
1 Breakfast $10.00 USD - $ 171.00 MN
Milonga on Wednesday with free admission
Milonga Thursday $25.00 USD - $ 427.00 MN
Milonga Friday $25.00 USD - $ 427.00 MN
Class and conference of Sexteto Milonguero $20.00 USD - $342.00 MN
Concert of the Sextet Milonguero $50.00 USD - $ 855.00 MM
Milonga Saturday with live music + exhibitions $100.00 USD - $,1,710 MN


Discount for groups: If you are a tango teacher, you run a dance academy or you are passionate about tango, you can have a complete * TOTALLY FREE package for the entire FESTIVAL, by signing up ten people to buy the complete pack and obtaining each one a 10 % discount:

* Package A: 3 Milongas + 3 Master Classes + 3 Guided Practices + 4 Breakfasts Class and conference of the Sexteto Milonguero + Accommodation included in hotel with shared rooms

________________ $ 500US - $ 8550 Mex.

* These prices are available until September 4th. Then they will have an increase of 10%.


  • Location:
    San Carlos, Mexico
    Event dates:
    From: Miércoles, 04 Octubre 2017 - To: Domingo, 08 Octubre 2017
    San Carlos, Mexico
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Miércoles, 04 Octubre 2017
    Event Ends: Domingo, 08 Octubre 2017
  • Dana Frigoli
    Adrian Ferreyra
    Dana Frigoli
    Adrian Ferreyra
Read 7886 times


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