Sile Tango Maraton
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Sile Tango Maraton
Sile Tango Maraton
Sile Tango Maraton is an international Tango event organised on the second weekend of June every year.
It is about participating in a three day condensed experience of tango, together with the sea, the sand, the sun, DJ’s picking lovely music you wish would never end.
In a small town nearby Istanbul, at a comfortable hotel, with a chef cooking especially for participants - including vegans, all meals included, a fulfilling and fun event is awaiting. Sile Tango Maraton is an event with doors open to all who have a place in their heart for tango. You will find a smile on your face when you remember this weekend.
A marathon right by the sea!
Sile Resort Hotel hosts the marathon with all guests exclusively. All hotel services and facilities (the beach, the pool, dining halls and activity rooms) are exclusive to dancers.
A spacious ballroom with beautiful scenery and a dance floor especially installed for the event. The tables and seating is ideal for cabeceo. And most of all, elegant steps and quality dancers filling up the whole space.
Sign-ups are limited to 140 persons, a maximum of 70 leads and 70 followers.
Full Accomodation: 1 Person in Double Room (EUR 150)
Full Accomodation: Single Room (EUR 200)
Accomodation includes 2 Nights and 3 Days.
Check-in Friday from 11.00, Check-out Sunday until 19.00
7 meals and snacks prepared by the event's special chef. Fiday's lunch is included.
Tea, Coffee, Snacks and Water available during milongas
Day and Night Milongas (4 Milongas, 18 hours of dancing)
All Rooms Have Balconies, the Ballroom is Air-Conditioned with a Large Terrace for Smokers
Hotel Facilities: Exclusive Beach, Lifesaver, Outdoor Swimming Pool, Table Tennis, Billiards, Excercise Room with Mirror, Tennis Court, Parking Lot, Ironing.
Transportation available from the city center and Sabiha Gökçen (SAW) Airport at 12.00 on Friday in June 08, 2018. Shuttle back to SAW Airport will be available at checkout on Sunday in June 10, 2018.
Please contact the organizer for shuttle prices and don't forget to share your flight arrival date and time for follow up.
- Location:
- Sile, Turkey
- Event dates:
- From: Viernes, 08 Junio 2018 - To: Domingo, 10 Junio 2018
- Location:
- Sile, Turkey
- Event dates:
- Event Starts: Viernes, 08 Junio 2018
- Event Ends: Domingo, 10 Junio 2018