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To Rave

International Tango Rave
Promoted by Tangopolix


Marathon and Encuentro

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Music & DJs: 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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To Rave

To Rave

International Tango Rave
International Tango Rave
50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


(English version below)

TO RAVE - International Tango Rave - 2nd Edition
Turin, 25-26-27 December 2016

> PASS € 35 <
55 ore di tango + free buffet

55 ore di tango (tradizionale + Tanguerilla Night il 27 dicembre).
6 musicalizadores provenienti da tutto il mondo si avvicendano senza sosta alla consolle dalle ore 20 di Domenica 25 Dicembre a notte inoltrata di Martedì 27 Dicembre.
Un’area relax è allestita per il pernottamento e/o riposo.
Un free buffet permanente.
L'intero complesso dello Sporting Dora è a disposizione del TO RAVE.
Ognuno può ballare quanto e quando vuole.
E ancora… libri, scarpe, abiti, massaggi…

ADITYA PANDYA [Bangalore, India]
DARIO CARLONI [Geneva, Switzerland]
MARIANO QUIROZ [Madrid, Spain]
NAOKO [Barcelona, Spain]
PAOLA PIA [Turin, Italy]
DJ / VJ Tanguerilla
[Bremen, Germany]

♢ PASS con PERNOTTAMENTO € 65: 55 ore di tango + free buffet + 3 pernottamenti* (da prenotare con bonifico e mail)
♢ PASS giornaliero:
● Domenica 25 (dalle ore 20 all’alba) € 15: Milonga + free buffet.
● Lunedì 26 (dal mattino all’alba del giorno successivo) € 18: Milonga + free buffet.
● Martedì 27 € 15: Milonga + Tanguerilla Night + free buffet.
♢ INGRESSO solo Tanguerilla Night € 10
♢ Singolo pernottamento* € 15 [da prenotare con bonifico e mail]

*I posti letto sono riservati e disponibili per le notti 25-26-27 Dicembre in un’unica camerata attrezzata con brandine, spogliatoi, doccia e sorveglianza. È necessario portare il sacco a pelo.

TO RAVE - International Tango Rave - 2nd Edition
Turin, 25-26-27 December 2016

> PASS € 35! <
55 hours no stop of tango + free buffet

55 hours no stop of tango (traditional + Tanguerilla Night 27th December).
6 musicalizadores featuring continuously at the consolle from 8:00 P.M. on 25th to 03:00 A.M. on 28th December.
A relaxation area is set up for overnight stay and/or rest.
A free standing buffet.
The entire Sporting Dora is available to TO RAVE.
Everybody can dance whenever he chooses.
Moreover: books, shoes, dresses, massages…

ADITYA PANDYA [Bangalore, India]
DARIO CARLONI [Geneva, Switzerland]
MARIANO QUIROZ [Madrid, Spain]
NAOKO [Barcelona, Spain]
PAOLA PIA [Turin, Italy]
DJ / VJ Tanguerilla
[Bremen, Germany]

♢ PASS + sleeping accomodations € 65: all milongas + free buffet + 3 nights* (To book by bank and email)
● Sunday 25 from 8 pm € 15: Milonga + free buffet.
● Monday 26 € 18: Milonga + free buffet.
● Tuesday 27 € 15: Milonga + Tanguerilla Night + free buffet.
♢ Only Tanguerilla Night € 10
♢ SINGLE NIGHT* €15 [To book by bank and email]

* sleeping accomodations are located in one big dormitory equiped with folding beds, changing rooms, a shower and surveillance; a personal sleeping bag is necessary.


  • Location:
    Turin, Italy
    Event dates:
    From: Domingo, 25 Diciembre 2016 - To: Martes, 27 Diciembre 2016
    Turin, Italy
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Domingo, 25 Diciembre 2016
    Event Ends: Martes, 27 Diciembre 2016
Read 4408 times


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