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Tango Intensiv Seminario with Majo Martirena Rodrigo Fonti

Promoted by Tangopolix



Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Maestros ( technique, teaching skills ): 50% - 2 votes
Communication ( language, translations): 50% - 1 votes
Participants ( dancing level, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Tango Intensiv Seminario with Majo Martirena Rodrigo Fonti

Tango Intensiv Seminario with Majo Martirena Rodrigo Fonti

50 out of 100 with 5 ratings


Tango Seminar with Majo Martirena & Rodrigo Fonti (Arg)
Tango, Tango …. « Topics in the caravan »

Samedi / Saturday / Samstag - 24/06/2017
Colmar (Fr) - Studio de Danse Barsch - 1, route de Strasbourg - 68000 Colmar
Workshops (WS) :
14h30-15h45 (WS 1) : "Turn me, if you want... Stop me, If you can !"
(Guides to do turns, enjoying, using sacadas and paradas)
16h00-17h15 (WS 2) : "To run, you must first learn to walk..."
(Experiments diferents qualities in the walk, density and fluid, oppositions in the embrace)
17h30-18h45 (WS 3) : "Let's shine babe or let's shine my love !!"
(Women and men adornaments)

Dimanche / Sunday / Sonntag - 25/06/2017
Lahr (D) - Am Stadtpark 1 – 77933 Lahr/Schwarzwald
Workshops (WS) :
14h30-15h45 (WS 4) : "The inevitable..."
(Milonguero´s turn, crosses and change of direction)
16h00-17h15 (WS 5) : "With the music in the blood"
Concepts and guidelines to interpret the music as we want.
Recognize the musical phrasing of different singers and instruments, discovering different qualities of movement stimulated by the musical style of orchestras.
17h30-18h45 (WS 6) : "Embrace me, that I will not dent..."
Experiment possibilities of embrace (discover the guides of the body to do circular movements).

Price :
1 workshop : 24 €
3 workshops : 54 € (18x3)
6 workshops : 96 € (16x6)


  • Location:
    Colmar, France
    Event dates:
    From: Sábado, 24 Junio 2017 - To: Domingo, 25 Junio 2017
    Colmar, France
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Sábado, 24 Junio 2017
    Event Ends: Domingo, 25 Junio 2017
  • Majo Martirena
    Rodrigo Fonti
    Majo Martirena
    Rodrigo Fonti
Read 6958 times


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