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CamTango Spring Festivalito

Promoted by Tangopolix


Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 77.5% - 4 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 77% - 4 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 80.75% - 4 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 76% - 4 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 2 votes

Total Score

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CamTango Spring Festivalito

CamTango Spring Festivalito

78 out of 100 with 16 ratings


Maestros Maja and Marko return to delight us with a series of 6 all new workshops and a performance on Saturday night. This thoroughly engaging couple have been invited back because they were so popular here last year. Workshop details to follow. There will be three workshops on Saturday 30th April and three workshops on Sunday 1st May.

The Festivalito will once again include many hours of milongas and will be approximately gender balanced.

Advanced booking is essential
The Milongas:

Friday 29th April:

Welcome Milonga 8:00pm til Midnight
Venue: Romsey Mill, Mill Road, Cambridge.
DJ: Ricardo Peixoto

Saturday 30th April:

Afternoon Tango Cafe 12:30pm til 5:30pm
Venue: Centre at St Pauls, Hills Road, Cambridge
DJ: Aytek Erdil

Grand Milonga 8:30pm til 1:00am
Venue: Romsey Mill, Mill Road, Cambridge
DJ: John Yingren Tan

Sunday 1st May:

Farewell Tango Cafe 2:30pm til 7:30pm
Venue: Centre at St Pauls, Hills Road, Cambridge
DJ: Michelle McRuiz


  • Location:
    Cambridge, United Kingdom
    Event dates:
    From: Viernes, 29 Abril 2016 - To: Domingo, 01 Mayo 2016
    Cambridge, United Kingdom
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Viernes, 29 Abril 2016
    Event Ends: Domingo, 01 Mayo 2016
  • Maja Petrovic
    Marko Miljevic
    Maja Petrovic
    Marko Miljevic
Read 3961 times


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