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DNI Tango Weekend Jonny Lambert and Dulce Lauria

Promoted by Tangopolix


Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 75% - 2 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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DNI Tango Weekend Jonny Lambert and Dulce Lauria

DNI Tango Weekend Jonny Lambert and Dulce Lauria

60 out of 100 with 5 ratings


We are very proud to have our own DNI Tango family members in Stockholm with us during Kristi Himmelfärdshelgen, 25-28th of may

Jonny Lambert, dancer in DNI Tango Company, teacher and director of DNI Tango School in Buenos Aires, is a great dancer and artist. He has the skills to teach and make you understand what to do, how to do it and make you feel the difference in your body.
Dulce Lauria, dancer in DNI Tango Company, and teacher in DNI Tango School is a young talanted dancer. She is very ambisius, stubborn and fast learning dancer and teacher. She is very pedagogic in her teaching and she makes you feel why you need to do things, to improve your tango. She is a new DNI Tango star.

Thursday 25th of may: PRIVATE CLASSES

Friday 26th of may:
14.30-16.00 Workshop 1: Playing with oppositions (interm/adv)
16.15-17.45 Workshop 2: All tips to do a great giro, in open and close embrace (adv)

Saturday 27th of may:
14.30-16.00 Workshop 3: Dancing ritmical orchestras, working with changes of weight (adv)
16.15-17.45 Workshop 4: Combinations of volcadas (interm/adv)

Sunday 28th of may:
12.00-13.30 Workshop 5: Change of Dynamics and impulses (interm/adv)
13.45-15.15 Workshop 6: Small embellishment for leaders and followers (adv)

The DNI Tango Stockholm directors and teachers Sara and Juampi will be assisting the classes as well, so we will be 4 TEACHERS DURING ALL WORKSHOPS!!!

All 6 workshops: 1500 sek
1 workshop: 300 sek

If you have a DNI Tango Stockholm "Klippkort"
All 6 workshops: 1300 sek
1 workshop: 250 sek

Price for private classes: 900 sek

It will be a awsome weekend with workshops, shows, private classes, milongas, you cant miss it!!!!


  • Location:
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Event dates:
    From: Jueves, 25 Mayo 2017 - To: Domingo, 28 Mayo 2017
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Jueves, 25 Mayo 2017
    Event Ends: Domingo, 28 Mayo 2017
Read 4029 times


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