Iasi Festivalito Verano 5th Edition
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Iasi Festivalito Verano 5th Edition
Iasi Festivalito Verano 5th Edition
Dear Tango lovers , we now rapidly approaching for the forth year in Atelierul de Tango Iasi footprint.
As usual , get ready for the party ...
Last year was a total success, so we decided this year to maintain the same basic aspects:
Same great location: Iasi Culture Palace
Same great maestros: Loukas Balokas & Georgia Priskou - Athens, Greece
Program, tango performances, T'Dj, prices, acomodation, etc -TO BE ANOUNCED !!!
Until then save the date in calendar and buy airline tickets to Iasi !!!
Dragi iubitori de Tango, iata ca ne apropiem cu pasi repezi de cel de-al patrulea an sub amprenta Atelierul de Tango Iasi.
Cum ne sta in obicei, ne pregatim de petrecere...
Anul trecut a fost un succes total, de aceea ne-am decis în acest an sa mentinem aceleași aspecte de bază:
Aceeasi locatie deosebita: Palatul Culturii Iasi
Aceeasi maestrii deosebiti: Loukas Balokas & Georgia Priskou - Atena, Grecia
Programul, performerii, T'Dj-ii, preturi, posibilitati de cazare, etc - VOR FI ANUNTATE !!!
Pana atunci salvati-va data in calendar si achizituinati-va bilete de avion spre Iasi !!!
- Location:
- Iasi, Romania
- Event dates:
- From: Jueves, 14 Junio 2018 - To: Domingo, 17 Junio 2018
- Location:
- Iasi, Romania
- Event dates:
- Event Starts: Jueves, 14 Junio 2018
- Event Ends: Domingo, 17 Junio 2018