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Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


No coming, no going,
No after, no before,
I hold you close,
I release you to be free,
I am in you
And you are in me.

– Thich Nhat Hanh

I warmly invite you to join me in the new cycle of


Immersive Spaces and Infinite Embraces!

A Sacred Dance With the Magical Other!

A weekend retreat in an enchanting place in Cornwall bursting with natural energies..

Expand your sense of Self through a sensual, playful, creative and powerfully restorative Heart-to-Heart Dancing Union.

Blending shamanic and tango practices; working with body, movement, sound and creativity in a holistic way - we shall explore our connection and perceptions of separateness to the universe, land, nature and each other; all as mirrors to our Self.

Our journey together will be to reclaim our Sacred Relatedness - our vibrantly interconnected but also uniquely independent Wholeness - consciousness in communion through rhythm, balance, harmony and love.

All welcome, singles and couples. However, a short statement about you, your experience and why you want to join the workshop, will be required.

THUR 3rd (Evening) - SUN 6th March 2016 (also possible to leave in the morning on Mon 7th)

@Rosemerryn, Lamorna, Penzance TR19 6BN

Cost: £350 per person all inclusive (accommodation, food, workshop). £50 discount for those applying as a couple.
Deposit of £100 per person payable in advance is required to secure your place.

For more information and to book contact Biljana:

Biljana is an artist/ teacher / mentor / director and shamanic practitioner with over 20 years of experience.

Whilst following her career as a graphic designer, Biljana was invited by her tango dance community to teach and from then on everything changed! This led her onto her own unique, pioneering and internationally respected professional path; she has organised popular social dance spaces and events, taught in different countries and has been the inspiration behind many of the vibrant dance communities in the UK. She has also independently produced and participated in many various collaborative media, film and performance projects.

Biljana has been in communion with the Sacred from an early age. Her conscious self-discovery and spiritual path has been forged through conflict, loss of identity and displacement, as well as through exploration of many different spiritual practices. But it was initiation into the Path of Pollen that has provided her with language through which she could bridge her profoundly intimate knowing of the Sacred and her exceptional life experiences.

As part of the hexadic Mellisae cell, within the Path of Pollen, Biljana works to disseminate in modern times a very ancient knowledge of an embodied and concretely applied spiritual awareness. As such she is part of a r-evolutionary, global wave of people, co-creating contemporary ways, through which poetic landscapes of the Sacred can find a way back into our everyday lives. Shamanic Tango is her own unique contribution to this process.

Dancer, shape-shifter and "inspiratrice", she moves and transforms in order to open new ways of seeing and to "make visible what is invisible". Known for her open-heartedness, inspiring enthusiasm and passion, it is with unwavering commitment and focus that she traverses the path of stark opposites - of light and dark, mystical and profane, innocence and experience.. With an un-tamable love of freedom, married to an active love of sharing, she spans vast distances and spins radical differences, bridging incredibly detailed subtleties of inner knowledge, with an inspired boldness of an embodied vision.

My heart is burning with love, all can see this flame. My heart is pulsing with passion like waves on an ocean. My friends have become strangers and I’m surrounded by enemies, but I’m free as the wind no longer hurt by those who reproach me.
I’m at home wherever I am and in the room of lovers I can see with closed eyes the beauty that dances. Behind the veils intoxicated with love I too dance the rhythm of this moving world. I have lost my senses in my world of lovers.
— Rumi


  • Location:
    Penzance, United Kingdom
    Event dates:
    From: Jueves, 03 Marzo 2016 - To: Lunes, 07 Marzo 2016
    Penzance, United Kingdom
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Jueves, 03 Marzo 2016
    Event Ends: Lunes, 07 Marzo 2016
Read 4130 times


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