Grand Opening New Place for milonga and tango in Amsterdam
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Grand Opening New Place for milonga and tango in Amsterdam
Grand Opening New Place for milonga and tango in Amsterdam
Special salon in Amsterdam for milonga and tango lovers. Perfect wooden floor, centraly located, easy access from train station (Amsterdam Centraal or Muiderport) tram 9 and 7. Close to Tropen Museum. Free car parking.
This unique salon is organized every 2nd Sunday of a month from 20:00 til 24:00. Including events, like live misic concerts, dance shows, film projection, workshops, tango storytelling,...
Once you here you want to come back :-)
Hope to see you!
More info at
- Location:
- Amsterdam, Netherlands (view map)
- Event dates:
- From: dimanche, 12 mars 2017 - To: dimanche, 12 mars 2017
- Location:
- Amsterdam, Netherlands (view map)
- Event dates:
- Event Starts: dimanche, 12 mars 2017
- Event Ends: dimanche, 12 mars 2017
- Number of Participants:
- 100 dancers
- Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
- 7 EUR - Euro Member Countries
- Number of Participants:
- 100 dancers
- Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
- 7 EUR - Euro Member Countries
- Is registration required prior to the event?
- Not required - Tickets at the door
- Is registration required prior to the event?
- Not required - Tickets at the door
- Beverages:
- Yes
- Beverages:
- Yes
- Website
- Visit our website
- Website
- Visit our website

Henryk Gajewski
1 comment
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Very friendly atmosphere for everybody: maestro dancers as well as beginners.