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6th Tangobiathlon Munich

Milonguero meets Neo
Organised by:


Marathon and Encuentro

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Music & DJs: 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

Total Score

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6th Tangobiathlon Munich

6th Tangobiathlon Munich

Milonguero meets Neo
Milonguero meets Neo
50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


15 Djs, 1 Vj ... live vjing at the Neodancefloor


NEW: Thursday

This year we will have also a Pre-Neomilonga  at Tangozentrum München, near the venue, Dachauerstr. 20, 80335 München, from 21:30-1:30 Included in fullpass, all others 5 €

Friday 20:00-5:00

Saturday 14:00-19:00 (dinnerbreak) 20:00-5:00

Sunday 14:00-19:00, (dinnerbreak) farewell Milonga open for everybody 20.00-1.00, 12 €

Farewell-breakfast on (only) Sunday morning 12:00-14:00 at the DT.01



Early bird 99€ until 31.12.2018 (plus booking fee)

from 1.1.2019, 129 € (plus booking fee)

149 € at the door (including free water, coffee, tea, fruits, snacks, midnight soup, Fr. /Sa, breakfast (Sunday) + fare well Milonga)


Finally fans of traditional and neo Tango can meet on one big event instead of being separated, under the slogan "unification not separation“. The Dance Terminal DT.01 has 2 dancefloors in one building, in the very center of Munich.

To Dancers from abroad we highly suggest to confirm their reservation by payment via our Ticketservice as we have a limit of 300 dancers per day to ensure comfortable dancing.

 We are glad to have also Bandolera Tango shoes + cloth selling during our Biathlon.

 A TangoFusion Workshop with Sonja Armisén will be held from 14:00-15:00 on Saturday in the Neoroom, which is included in the Fullpass.




  • Location:
    Adolf-Kolping-Straße 10, Munich, Germany (view map)
    Event dates:
    From: vendredi, 08 mars 2019 - To: dimanche, 10 mars 2019
    Adolf-Kolping-Straße 10, Munich, Germany (view map)
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: vendredi, 08 mars 2019
    Event Ends: dimanche, 10 mars 2019
  • Number of Participants:
    300 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    99.00 EUR - Euro Member Countries
    Number of Participants:
    300 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    99.00 EUR - Euro Member Countries
  • Registration Opens:
    lundi, 01 octobre 2018
    Registration Opens:
    lundi, 01 octobre 2018
  • Beverages:
Read 11336 times



I am a Tango teacher, dj and Marathons organizer since more than 20 years. Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.


Adolf-Kolping-Straße 10, Munich, Germany Pin icons from Medialoot


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