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Columbia Tango Marathon

Promoted by Tangopolix


Marathon and Encuentro

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 84.28% - 7 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 81.14% - 7 votes
Music & DJs: 75% - 7 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 80.86% - 7 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 3 votes

Total Score

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Columbia Tango Marathon

Columbia Tango Marathon

80 out of 100 with 28 ratings


  • Location:
    West Columbia, United States
    Event dates:
    From: vendredi, 29 juillet 2016 - To: dimanche, 31 juillet 2016
    West Columbia, United States
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: vendredi, 29 juillet 2016
    Event Ends: dimanche, 31 juillet 2016
Read 4797 times



  • Comment Link Steve Neely

    In my opinion, marathons are more for mature tango dancers that already know history etc. and will politely watch performances. However, these things take up valuable dance time. The main complain I've heard about Marathons, that do food, is the food. Runs out, not good, etc. I've even been to ballroom event that the food cause food poisoning. Having said these things; Venue was excellent, there were plenty of quality dancers, really felt a warm community feeling. This 1st one is a excellent start and something you could build on.

  • Comment Link Eun Jeon

    I would like all traditional music. Alternative/nuevo tandas were not very good and I heard people complaining about them as well. Also, I agree with Steve above in that the performance sessions were overly long. One or two dances would suffice if there have to be performances at all. Other than that, I loved the venue (the floor was excellent). I also very much appreciated that the chefs were standing by to take care of the needs of the dancers. Organizers were wonderful, and I danced some of my favorite dancers. Looking forward to next year's event!

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