Dias de Hungria Tango Retreat
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Dias de Hungria Tango Retreat
Dias de Hungria Tango Retreat
-the new trend in tango life-
Awaken your inner flow with the force of the spring, enjoy the healing power of the thermal springs in an easy relaxed atmosphere in the “oasis” of nature in the heart of Budapest.
Taking all our experience of Noches de Hungría we present you a new concept called: Dias de Hungría Tango Retreat
Dancing from Friday to Sunday… So, come and enjoy the energies of dancing in a nonchalant environment during the Dias you spend in Hungría!
Save the date, because something new and fresh is coming your way between the 17-19th of May 2019!
Dance all day, sleep during the night!
We know how all those sleepless weekends that are accumulating over the months and years put a heavy burden on the body and let’s be honest: after all those years of Tango dancing you feel it too :)
That’s why keeping the harmony between the needs of the body and desires of the soul we organize a healthy daytime dancing program with all the advantages of a Marathon.
… and some hints so you know what to expect:
- the EVENT – a Marathon -Tango Retreat – with plenty of dancing hours and some relax time
- the SELECTION - balanced in regarding the number of leader and followers just as well as the nationalities
- the FOOD – all day snacks with lunch included in the package (helthy, delicious, springlike)
- the QUALITY - excellent selection of DJ’s and amazing venue
- the ENERGIES of the spring and the light of the awakening nature
- the TIME – mainly daily milongas until max. midnight
- the ATMOSPHERE – more focus on joy, relax time and cozy, stressless environment
- the EXTRA programs - bodywork and refreshing body focused classes will also available during the retreat every morning. Thermal spa programs for a total relaxation, sightseeing, boat trip
It is not a regular marathon, however if you are a bit experienced and feel brave enough to dance up to 36 hours of tango, spend the weekend in a relaxed atmosphere with some fun social dancers! This is Your event!
More details coming soon, stay stunned :)
- Location:
- Budapest, Hungary
- Event dates:
- From: vendredi, 17 mai 2019 - To: dimanche, 19 mai 2019
- Location:
- Budapest, Hungary
- Event dates:
- Event Starts: vendredi, 17 mai 2019
- Event Ends: dimanche, 19 mai 2019