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RossoAOvest Tango Marathon

Promoted by Tangopolix


Marathon and Encuentro

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 66% - 2 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 65% - 2 votes
Music & DJs: 74% - 2 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 53.5% - 2 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

Total Score

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RossoAOvest Tango Marathon

RossoAOvest Tango Marathon

65 out of 100 with 8 ratings


RossoAOvest Tango Marathon 2017 - 5th edition

8-9-10 /09/ 2017 nella meravigliosa Villa Gritti a Soave, vicino Verona. Villa veneta del XV secolo, con 400 m2 di pista in parquet e 4 ettari di parco a nostra esclusiva disposizione..
.. e tanta buona musica !

dj set

FRI/VEN 19-24 Luigi Felisatti
FRI/VEN 24-5 Giuseppe Caputo
SAT/SAB 14-19 Sergio Piscitello
SAT/SAB 19-24 Valeria Norcia
SAT/SAB 24-5+ Nico Portioli
SUN/DOM 14-19 Supersabino
SUN/DOM 20-1 La Ros

Il pacchetto maratona costa 60 euro e include
- MARATONA E AFTER MARATHON - tutta da ballare
- frutta, acqua e piccoli snack disponibili durante tutta la maratona
- cena leggera
- cornetti caldi la mattina presto
- navetta gratuita da e per il Soave Best Western Hotel

La selezione avviene ESCLUSIVAMENTE su base di genere, per tenere bilanciati uomini e donne, e di provenienza, per garantire il maggior mescolamento tanghero possibile :) non scriveteci che ballate da venticinque anni, perché l'unica cosa che ci interessa è che vogliate divertirvi insieme a noi!!

Vi aspettiamo!!!!

5th edition of the RossoAOvest Tango Marathon @ Villa Gritti. A stunning Villa Veneta from XVth siegle, with 400m2 wooden dancing floor and 4 hectares of reserved park.

MARATHON PACKAGE costs 60 euros and includes

- fruit, water and light snacks during all marathon
- light food at dining time
- croissants in the early morning on friday an saturday
- free shuttle from/to Soave Best Western Hotel

We are committed to keep leader-follower balance and to accept dancers from different places, so that acceptance may not be based on a first-come/first-served rule.

Hope to meet you soon in this fifth edition!

RossoAOvest staff


  • Location:
    San Bonifacio, Italy
    Event dates:
    From: vendredi, 08 septembre 2017 - To: dimanche, 10 septembre 2017
    San Bonifacio, Italy
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: vendredi, 08 septembre 2017
    Event Ends: dimanche, 10 septembre 2017
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