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Easter Tango Holiday

with Amanda and Adrian Costa
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Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 75% - 2 votes
Maestros ( technique, teaching skills ): 75% - 2 votes
Communication ( language, translations): 75% - 2 votes
Participants ( dancing level, leader/follower ratio): 75% - 2 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 1 votes

Total Score

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Easter Tango Holiday

Easter Tango Holiday

with Amanda and Adrian Costa
with Amanda and Adrian Costa
75 out of 100 with 8 ratings


Intensive Tango lessons with Amanda and Adrian Costa - advanced Level
Emphasis on "Tango de Salón": Quality in the dance and sequences of famous Milongueros
A respite in breath-taking nature draped around beautiful Lake Chiemsee in Bavaria
Combination with Milonga-Special, March 30th - April 3rd, 2016

Welcome to a Tango holiday with Amanda and Adrian Costa in Aiterbach, located at Lake Chiemsee nearby the Alps in Bavaria. Tango lessons, Practicas and nightly Milongas will take place during the easter week for advanced dancers. The main focus will be the work with the "Quality in the dance": Musicality, the walk and the embrace. Amanda & Adrian will also teach some sequences of famous Milongueros as El Turco José or Gerardo Portalea. Pure Tango de Salón and Elegance!

More information here:


  • Location:
    Aiterbach 2, Rimsting, Germany (view map)
    Event dates:
    From: mercredi, 23 mars 2016 - To: lundi, 28 mars 2016
    Aiterbach 2, Rimsting, Germany (view map)
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: mercredi, 23 mars 2016
    Event Ends: lundi, 28 mars 2016
Read 5343 times Last modified on mardi, 08 septembre 2015 02:11



Aiterbach 2, Rimsting, Germany Pin icons from Medialoot


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