Your next tango

adventure starts here!

Guillermo Torrens and Alexandra Wood in Cork

Promoted by Tangopolix



Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Maestros ( technique, teaching skills ): 50% - 1 votes
Communication ( language, translations): 50% - 1 votes
Participants ( dancing level, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
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Guillermo Torrens and Alexandra Wood in Cork

Guillermo Torrens and Alexandra Wood in Cork

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Cork Tango is delighted to announce the first special event of the new tango season, with a day filled with learning under the tutelage of the fabulous Guillermo Torrens and Alexandra Wood, and a night of dancing, all taking place at the glorious Georgian period Mall Arts Centre in Youghal, Co. Cork, on Saturday 11th November 2017.


Saturday 11th November.

12.00 - Coach departs St. Patrick's Quay, Cork for Youghal.

13.00-14.30hrs - Workshop 1 - Intermediate level.
Vals (Waltz) with shared axis, incorporating turns, voleos and leg wraps. This workshop is designed for more established dancers who have moved beyond beginners and are looking to build on their repertoire of moves with technical precision in the context of the vals rhythm.

14.45-16.15hrs - Workshop 2 - Advanced level.
Milonga Lisa and Traspie with single and double beat steps and giros. This workshop is designed for experienced dancers who love the challenge of milonga’s varying rhythms and are looking to hone their technical precision.

16.30-18.00hrs - Workshop 3 - All levels (for leaders and followers).
Tango technique in couples, including posture, walking, embrace, and incorporating giros and planeos. This workshop is designed for beginner to advanced students who recognise the importance of technique in the support and on-going development of their dance. There will also be a strong emphasis on adornments for followers.

21.00- 1.00hrs - Milonga ball with performance by Guillermo Torrens and Alexandra Wood, in the fabulous Mall Arts Centre..

Watch the waves lap the shore as you sip a glass of wine, and take to the dance floor to try out all your new moves to the sophisticated sounds of the legendary tango DJ Enrique Lora Ringa!!

01.30 - Coach departs Youghal for Cork City.


1 class + Ball €35
2 classes+ Ball €50
3 classes+ Ball €65
Individual class (only) €20
2 classes (only) €35

Milonga ball with performance + finger food €20. Wine will also be available.

Sunday 12th November

Guillermo and Alexandra will be available for private classes on Saturday morning 11th, and on Sunday morning and afternoon, 12th, in Midleton, Co. Cork.

20.00 - Cork Tango’s Sunday milonga at The Metropole Hotel, Cork.


  • Location:
    Cork, Ireland
    Event dates:
    From: samedi, 11 novembre 2017 - To: samedi, 11 novembre 2017
    Cork, Ireland
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: samedi, 11 novembre 2017
    Event Ends: samedi, 11 novembre 2017
Read 5446 times


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