Your next tango

adventure starts here!

Maja and Marko in London

Promoted by Tangopolix



Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Maestros ( technique, teaching skills ): 50% - 1 votes
Communication ( language, translations): 50% - 1 votes
Participants ( dancing level, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Maja and Marko in London

Maja and Marko in London

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Dear Londoners and guests!

We have something special for you!
Amazing Maja and Marko are coming to London, and we will all get to admire and study with them!

Registration for TangoBETTER Special (open to all) and Intense Practica (invitation) will start on 15.02!

Make sure you join us, this will be a wonderful and inspiring weekend! It's a bank holiday on Monday as well so we can all enjoy their art a bit more!
Private classes available during daytime
We dance at Negracha and watch Maja and Marko perform (about 23.30)! Negracha open till 4am.

TangoBETTER day 1
Start at 14.30! (you have time to sleep in and have brunch!)

Workshop 1, topic: Feeling and looking good
(open to all)
We will start from the head and work our way down to the feet discussing some common mistakes and their solutions. We will see how to improve our balance, axis, posture and embrace. The focus will be on finding the balance between feeling comfortable on the inside and looking beautiful on the outside.

Workshop 2, topic: Walking
(open to all)
In this workshop we will go into details of the smooth and elegant walk. We shall discuss forward, backward and side step.

15 min break

Closed group work, invitation only: 3 hours with a break. We deepen and explore further. Topics: one of these, based on special program for us by Maja and Marko. Advanced level.
1. Deepening necessary fundaments (walking to different orchestras, embracing, posture, balance, technique)
2. Communicating through the music (connection, proposing-interpreting, pausing, playful combinations)

Dinner with all participants together
Dancing in the milonga all together

TangoBETTER day 2
Start at 13.00

Workshop 3, topic: Piques and crosses
(open to all)
We will practice their execution, rhythmical variations, different qualities to both tango and vals. There will be plenty of exercises for quickness and precision of the feet movement, useful not only in the embellishments, but in all the elements of our dance.

Workshop 4, topic: Walking and/in the close embrace
(open to all)
Since walking and embracing are the essence of tango, in this lesson we will focus on how to walk elegantly and effortlessly in close embrace. Through different exercises (alone and in couples) we will show you how to make and keep a comfortable and soft close embrace and also work on the technique of walking, both for leaders and followers

15 min break

Closed group work, invitation only: 3 hours with a break. We deepen and explore further. Topics: one of these, based on special program for us by Maja and Marko. Advanced level.
3. All about the turns (rolling, controlling the giro with the embrace, favorite combinations)
4. Vals (rhythm vs. melody, different rhythmical patterns)

Dinner with all participants together
Dancing in the milonga all together

Private classes available during daytime
20.00 - Int/Adv. class with Maja and Marko at I Love Mondays
Dancing till 11.30pm


  • Location:
    London, United Kingdom
    Event dates:
    From: vendredi, 04 mai 2018 - To: lundi, 07 mai 2018
    London, United Kingdom
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: vendredi, 04 mai 2018
    Event Ends: lundi, 07 mai 2018
  • Maja Petrovic
    Marko Miljevic
    Maja Petrovic
    Marko Miljevic
Read 5906 times


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