PDX Tango Workshops w Dominic Bridge Mary Fu
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PDX Tango Workshops w Dominic Bridge Mary Fu
PDX Tango Workshops w Dominic Bridge Mary Fu
50 out of
100 with
4 ratings
Dominic Bridge will be back from his tour in Europe and will be offering 5 workshops with Mary Fu on a variety of topics including grounding, connection, and musicality. Workshops will be held at Tango Berretín.
Saturday 9/9: 3 WKSPS from 1-6pm
Sunday 9/10: 2 WKSPS from 2-5:15pm
- Location:
- Portland, United States
- Event dates:
- From: samedi, 09 septembre 2017 - To: dimanche, 10 septembre 2017
- Location:
- Portland, United States
- Event dates:
- Event Starts: samedi, 09 septembre 2017
- Event Ends: dimanche, 10 septembre 2017
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