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Tango Holiday in Croatia

Promoted by Tangopolix



Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Maestros ( technique, teaching skills ): 50% - 1 votes
Communication ( language, translations): 50% - 1 votes
Participants ( dancing level, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Tango Holiday in Croatia

Tango Holiday in Croatia

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Come & join us for a week of Tango on the Island of Krk!

• Accommodation at picturesque beachside Hotel Jadran, with breakfast• transit to & from airport • 12 hours of Tango lessons• workshops/milonga’s on the stunning Blue Terrace • time to sight see & discover this fascinating island • escorted visits to restaurants, local milongas & places of interest • swimming in clear blue seas!

The intensive Salon tango classes with teachers Samantha Dispari & Santiago Fina will take place on the sea-side Blue Terrace; a former fishing point and now a spacious bar and dance area! This is a 2 minute stroll along the beach front from the Hotel- the sort of commute of tango dreams!

There are wide soft pebbly beaches with occasional sandy moments, beautiful forests, lovely walks and an exceptionally clean sea. You can roast in the sun, or nestle under the shore-side shady pines.

Are not included.
There are direct flights to Rijeka Airport, on the island of Krk.
Transit from airport is included if you are arriving & leaving on these flights with CROATIAN AIRLINES:
Departure: 25th May, 11.50 London Heathrow- Arrival 15 50 at Rijeka
Return: 1st June, 9 35 Rijeka- 11.00 London Heathrow.
Prices currently are approx. £130 return

Join us for this 7 NIGHT Tango holiday on KRK, Croatia, at the bargain price of
-£532 ( per person sharing a double/twin room) before midnight 28/2/16 (after £562)
£568 (single) before midnight 28/2/16 (after £598)


  • Location:
    Njivice, Croatia
    Event dates:
    From: mercredi, 25 mai 2016 - To: mercredi, 01 juin 2016
    Njivice, Croatia
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: mercredi, 25 mai 2016
    Event Ends: mercredi, 01 juin 2016
Read 4310 times


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