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Tango workshop with Maja Petrovic Marko Miljevic

Promoted by Tangopolix



Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 81.67% - 3 votes
Maestros ( technique, teaching skills ): 85% - 4 votes
Communication ( language, translations): 87.5% - 4 votes
Participants ( dancing level, leader/follower ratio): 66.67% - 3 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 2 votes

Total Score

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Tango workshop with Maja Petrovic Marko Miljevic

Tango workshop with Maja Petrovic Marko Miljevic

81 out of 100 with 14 ratings


English version below

Mamy ogromną przyjemność zawiadomić Was, że w marcu przyszłego roku Wrocław odwiedzi para znakomitych tancerzy oraz nauczycieli Maja Petrovic & Marko Miljevic (

Warsztaty - lekcje prywatne - milonga z pokazem.

Rezerwujcie datę w kalendarzu!

Szczegółowe informacje podamy wkrótce.

Joanna Jabłońska & Joanna Skura

Dear Tango Friends,

We are very excited to announce that in march 2016 our beautiful city will be hosting great tango dancers and wonderful teachers Maja Petrovic & Marko Miljevic (

Workshops - private lessons - milonga with the show.

Keep the date!

More information will be available soon.

See you in Wroclaw!
Joanna Jabłońska & Joanna Skura


  • Location:
    Wrocław, Poland
    Event dates:
    From: vendredi, 04 mars 2016 - To: dimanche, 06 mars 2016
    Wrocław, Poland
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: vendredi, 04 mars 2016
    Event Ends: dimanche, 06 mars 2016
  • Maja Petrovic
    Marko Miljevic
    Maja Petrovic
    Marko Miljevic
Read 3940 times Last modified on vendredi, 27 novembre 2015 13:16


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