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TangoLucido Holidays in Crete

Bring your tango to the light
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Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Maestros ( technique, teaching skills ): 50% - 1 votes
Communication ( language, translations): 50% - 1 votes
Participants ( dancing level, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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TangoLucido Holidays in Crete

TangoLucido Holidays in Crete

Bring your tango to the light
Bring your tango to the light
50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


bring your tango to the light
1-6 October
10 teaching modules*

Αccomodation, teaching fees, two meals, practikas and local milongas.
600 euro per person
16 persons max.

We are inviting you at this tango retreat, as an excellent occasion to grow your tango skills on a peaceful environment, in the heart of a well-preserved traditional Cretan village of Apocoronas Region.

High Quality suites and cottage houses/Amazing local food

  • Douliana village is protected by the state as a preserved traditional settlement.
    Population 40people.

-=Lesson modules-
Each module is minimum one hour and can be extended each time depending on the flow of the lesson and the fatigue of the participants.

Every module is on a separate theme/subject , but all of them can be connected.

The modules belong on one or more of these categories:
Basic Technique (for example giros-ochos-sacadas-boleos)
Fundamental principals(connecting the basic techniques to more abstract ideas)
Fitting with the music. Each figure and each element is "served" with suggestions about its place on the music.


  • who's teaching and what
    One has to discover his own truth through his art and performance. 
    The biggest discovery that happened to us personally during our tango lives was that the demanding process of attaining skill, which is an undeniable necessity for achieving artistry freedom,  lead to improved behavior.
    Without further input, technique cultivates the way of doing things. 
    The more we study, the more we dig in, the mere technique bring us to the essence of tango  which is respect for the other.
    To be effective or careful requires technique. That is not new.
    But all this eventually will push you forward to be more gallant and polite. 
    Not only in a social accepted way, but in a deeper, holistic sense of respect.
    We believe in improvisation.
    We believe in the “ if it works, it works” mechanics
    We choose these principles even for our “formal” performances.
     Our efforts to transmit this as teachers, is a constant adventure, and we are grateful to our students for giving us these experiences.
    However we always stand behind this quote:
    “A Teacher is only pointing out the road for you, not leading or escorting you.”
  • We offer you a deep approach and a unique opportunity to really study your tango.
    Our goal during that project, is to evolve your tango to the next level and become a better, more fluent and a more advanced version of your inner dancer/artist.
    You don't need to be a teacher to dance beautiful.
    You don't need to be a professional to know your art.
    You only need to study and practice just a little more.
       During the TANGOLUCIDO project we will share our ideas about what passion is for us. 
     For us true passion is the deep understanding of technique. 
    "Feeling" can exist, but without profound understanding of what you're doing and why, can never emerge at the surface.
      We will be teaching a set of social applicable multitools. Easy to grasp but with endless possibilities for your dancing.
    We will  also focus on the musical patterns and motives of the melody (and not rhythm), as we believe and teach that it is essential to grasp the rhythm through the melody and not vice versa.

Prices and cancellation policies

300e price for more than 10 hours of intensive teaching, 2 practicas and one visit of a local milonga.(no accomodation, no meals)

1100e price per couple all included 
more than 10 hours of intensive teaching, 2 practicas and one visit of a local milonga
(accomodation from 1st October till 6 October -departure 7 Oct in high quality suites and quality houses just 4 km away from the sea
two meals with the group

600e price per person all included 
more than 10 hours of intensive teaching, 2 practicas and one visit of a local milonga
(accomodation (upon availability)* from 1st October till 6 October -departure 7 Oct in high quality suites and quality houses just 4 km away from the sea
two meals with the group

50% as a deposit for your registration. Rest of the amount a week before your arrival or at welcome desk.
80% of the initial deposit is refound if cancellation is before 1st June.
50% of the initial deposit is refound if cancellation is between 1st June -1st August.
No refounds for cancellations after 1st August.


  • Location:
    Douliana, Greece (view map)
    Event dates:
    From: mardi, 01 octobre 2019 - To: dimanche, 06 octobre 2019
    Douliana, Greece (view map)
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: mardi, 01 octobre 2019
    Event Ends: dimanche, 06 octobre 2019
  • Number of Participants:
    16 dancers
    Number of Participants:
    16 dancers
  • Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - No tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    dimanche, 12 mai 2019
    Registration Closes:
    dimanche, 01 septembre 2019
    Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - No tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    dimanche, 12 mai 2019
    Registration Closes:
    dimanche, 01 septembre 2019
  • Accommodation:
Read 6423 times



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