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TIS with Gabriela Fernandez Kara Wenham

Promoted by Tangopolix



Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Maestros ( technique, teaching skills ): 50% - 1 votes
Communication ( language, translations): 50% - 1 votes
Participants ( dancing level, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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TIS with Gabriela Fernandez Kara Wenham

TIS with Gabriela Fernandez Kara Wenham

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Tango Intensiv Seminario (TIS) with Gabriela Fernandez (Arg) & Kara Wenham (USA)

- 4 workshops / Only for followers (WSF)
- 4 workshops / Only for leaders (WSL)
- 2 workshops / for couples (WSC)

Studio de Danse Barsch - 1, route de Strasbourg - 68000 Colmar

Colmar (Fr) 24 / 11 / 2018
- 14h30-15h45 : " Basics of leading and following …Axis, Walking and Musicality "
• WSL 1 (Salle 1) Gabriela
• WSF 1 (Salle 2) Kara
- 16h00-17h15 : " Spirals in walk and pivots, in time with music … "
• WSL 2 (Salle 1) Gabriela
• WSF 2 (Salle 2) Kara
- 17h30-18h45 : " Dancing (in couple) what we learned "
• WSC 3 (Salle 1) Gabriela & Kara

21h00 – 01h00 : « Milonga Emotion » :
Centre Théodore Monod – 11, rue Gutenberg - 68000 Colmar
Quartier St Joseph - Parking : place St Joseph (5mn à pieds)
DJ. Steffi Steffanski (Landau / Germany) (Entrée : 10 €)

Colmar (Fr) 25 / 11 / 2018
- 14h30-15h45 : " Spirals, ochos, pivots and turns … "
•WSL 4 (Salle 1) Kara
•WSF 4 (Salle 2) Gabriela
- 16h00-17h15 : " Giros in line and circle, musicality … "
•WSL 5 (Salle 1) Kara
•WSF 5 (Salle 2) Gabriela
- 17h30-18h45 : " Dancing (in couple) what we learned … "
•WSC 6 (Salle 1) Gabriela & Kara

Price :
1 workshop : 22 €
3 workshops : 54 € (18 € x 3)
6 workshops : 96 € (16 € x 6)

Attention : limited number of participants


  • Location:
    Colmar, France
    Event dates:
    From: samedi, 24 novembre 2018 - To: dimanche, 25 novembre 2018
    Colmar, France
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: samedi, 24 novembre 2018
    Event Ends: dimanche, 25 novembre 2018
Read 5040 times


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