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Argentinian Tango Nights with Guillermo Monti

Promoted by Tangopolix


Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Argentinian Tango Nights with Guillermo Monti

Argentinian Tango Nights with Guillermo Monti

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings



Toamna vine cu surprize marca Atelierul de Tango Iasi.
Incepand cu luna Septembrie, luna de luna vom avea cate o surpriza pentru voi, surprize placute dar si accesibile financiar.

Pentru inceput avem onoarea sa -l avem invitat din nou la Iasi, de data aceasta pentru un weekend intreg pe Guillermo Monti.

Nascut in Buenos Aires, a crescut literalmente cu tango iar acum locuieste in Berlin. Muzician, director de cor, cantaret si T'Dj, Guillermo Monti a crescut intr-o familie puternic implicata in lumea Tango-ului Argentinian. Bunicul sau detinea o orchestra de tango in aniii 40, Orquestra Tipica America iar unchiul sau, Argentino Ledesma a fost solistul la nunta parintilor sai. Argentino Ledesma a cantat pentru orchestre precum Di Sarli, Varela si multe altele.
Copil fiind, Guillermo a vazut live aproape toate orchestrele de tango, mergand impreuna cu parintii sai la seri de milonga, acestia iubind dansul. Mama sa obisnuia sa-l adoarma cantandu-i melodii de tango. Stie fiecare melodie de tango, fiecare orchestra, fiecare solist invatand toate acestea involuntar din timpul copilariei pana a devenit adult. Si el este surprins de asta !!!

Mama sa a inceput sa danseze tango la varsta de 13 ani si a continuat sa danseze de 70 de ani. Guillermo isi aduce aminte cand avea 5 ani si mama sa il invata sa danseze tango. Acum la 84 de ani mama sa inca danseaza si de fiecare data cand se intoarce acasa in BsAs, Guillermo abia asteapta sa mearga sa danseze cu ea.

Ca T'Dj fie ca pune muzica de pe suport digital sau de pe viniluri originale, este foarte important pentru el ca dansatorii sa asculte doar muzica de calitate. In momentul de fata este T'Dj la milongile locale din Berlin dar si la diverse evenimente importante din Europa.

Vom avea 3 seri de tango si o mini milonga in aer liber in cadrul evenimentului "Festivalul International al Muzicii Mecanice Iasi" organizat de Palatul Culturii, Iasi.

Vineri 14 Septembie:
21:00 - 02:00 - Milonga Bienvenida
T'Dj Raluca Petronela Caulet - Iasi
Loc: Atelierul de Tango Iasi
Sambata 15 Septembrie:
16:30 - 18:30 - Milonguta Mecanica
T'Dj Guillermo Monti BsAs, Argentina
Loc: Palatul Culturii Iasi
22:00 - 4:00 - La Grand Milonga
T'Dj Guillermo Monti BsAs, Argentina
Loc: Atelierul de Tango Iasi
Duminica 16 Septembrie:
13:00 - 15:00 - Cafecito con Guillermo
(Dupa o noapte incendiara va asteptam la Atelier cu cafea calda si gustari de dimineata. Veti avea ocazia sa ascultati povesti de tango originale. Va fi o discutie intercativa ca intre prieteni.)
20:00 - ??? - Milonga último hombre en pie.
T'Dj Guillermo Monti BsAs, Argentina
Loc: Atelierul de Tango Iasi

Vin, apa, ceai, racoritoare si gusrati din partea casei.

FULL PASS: 90 lei
Milonga Bienvenida: 30 lei
La Grand Milonga: 45 Lei
Milonga último hombre en pie: 45 Lei
Milonguta Mecanica: FREE

Revenim in curand cu formularul de inscriere,
Va asteptam cu drag !!!
Cristi, Iulia & Team



Autumn comes with brand surprises at the Iasi Tango Studio.
Starting with September, every month we will have a surprise for you, pleasant surprises but also financially affordable.

To begin, we have the honor to invite for the second time in our city, this time for a whole weekend with Guillermo Monti.

Born in Buenos Aires, he literally grew with tango and now lives in Berlin. Musician, choral director, singer and T'Dj, Guillermo Monti grew up in a family heavily involved in the world of Argentine Tango. His grandfather held a tango orchestra in the 40s, Orquestra Tipica America and his uncle Argentino Ledesma was the soloist at his parents' wedding. Argentino Ledesma played for orchestras such as Di Sarli, Varela and more. As a child, Guillermo saw almost all the tango orchestras live, while going to the milonga with his parents, who loved dancing. His mother used to adore him singing tango songs. He knows every tango song, every orchestra, every soloist, learning all this involuntarily from childhood to adulthood. And he is surprised by this !!!
His mother started dancing tango at the age of 13 and continued dancing for 70 years. Guillermo remembers when he was 5 years old and his mother taught him to dance tango. Now, at age 84, his mother is still dancing and every time he returns home to BsAs, Guillermo is just waiting to go dancing with her.
As T'Dj no matter if he puts music from digital or original vinyls, it is very important for him that the dancers listen only to quality music. At the moment, he is T'Dj at local milongas in Berlin but also at various important events in Europe.
We will have 3 tango evenings and a mini milonga outdoor at the "International Music Mechanics Iasi Festival" organized by the Palace of Culture, Iasi.

Friday 14 September:
21:00 - 02:00 - Milonga Bienvenida
T'Dj Raluca Petronela Caulet - Iasi
Loc: Atelierul de Tango Iasi
Saturday 15 September:
16:30 - 18:30 - Milonguta Mecanica
T'Dj Guillermo Monti BsAs, Argentina
Loc: Iasi Palace of Culture
22:00 - 4:00 - La Grand Milonga
T'Dj Guillermo Monti BsAs, Argentina
Loc: Atelierul de Tango Iasi
Sunday 16 September:
13:00 - 15:00 - Cafecito con Guillermo
(After an incendiary night, we are waiting for you at our studio with hot coffee and morning snacks. You will have the chance to listen original tango stories. It will be an intercultural discussion as between friends.)
20:00 - ??? - Milonga último hombre en pie.
T'Dj Guillermo Monti BsAs, Argentina
Loc: Atelierul de Tango Iasi

Vine, water, tea, refreshments and snaks from the house.

FULL PASS: 20 eur
Milonga Bienvenida: 6 eur
La Grand Milonga: 10 eur
Milonga último hombre en pie: 10 eur
Milonguta Mecanica: FREE

We will come back soon with the registration form,
You're welcome !!!


  • Location:
    Iasi, Romania
    Event dates:
    From: vendredi, 14 septembre 2018 - To: dimanche, 16 septembre 2018
    Iasi, Romania
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: vendredi, 14 septembre 2018
    Event Ends: dimanche, 16 septembre 2018
Read 4561 times


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