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Back to school Ljubljana weekend

Maria Filali Gianpiero Galdi
Promoted by Tangopolix


Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Back to school Ljubljana weekend

Back to school Ljubljana weekend

Maria Filali Gianpiero Galdi
Maria Filali Gianpiero Galdi
50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Intenziven vikend tanga z Mario in Gianpierom.
An intensive and hard-working weekend with Maria and Gianpiero. For the first time in Ljubljana!


A1: tango tehnika za plesalce in plesalke

B1: Caminata 1 (razdelitev in analiza linearnega gibanja, tehnike, ravnotežja in objema)
B2: Giro (Dobro poznani element tanga, ki predstavlja največji izziv za plesalce. Raziskovali bomo od kje pride, kako se lahko z njim ter njegovimi elementi igramo in se fokusirali na njegovo dinamiko ter možne rešitve, da postane čim bolj tekoč in udoben.)

--Sobotna večerna milonga z Mario&Gianpierom---

C1: Caminata 2 (Reakcije in senzitivnost, kako obdržati konstanto povezavo. Koncept gostote objema in kako ga lahko uporabljamo.)
C2: Boleo (Krožni bolei: od kje gib izvira in kako izboljšati povezavo v paru. Preko študija osnovne tehnike in vaj bomo raziskali strukturo, pretočnost giba in njegovo uporabo v plesu

1 delavnica...25€
dnevni paket*...45€
vikend paket*...100€

*Namen vikenda je poglobljeno delo na tango bazi in principih Marijinega ter Gianpierovega dela. Teme se bodo dnevno nadgrajevale in potekale skozi zaokrožen vikend raziskovanja, zato je toplo priporočeno, da se odločite za delo skozi celoten vikend (5 delavnic) ali posamezno dnevno tematiko (2 delavnici).

Prijave se bodo odprle 1.3.2017


An intensive and hard-working weekend with Maria and Gianpiero. For the first time in Ljubljana!

A1: tango technic for followers and leaders

B1: Caminata 1 (division and analysis of the linear movement, technic, balance and embrace)
B2: Giro (The well know element that troubles all dancers the most.
We're going to study where it comes from and how to play with giro's elements in order to make it fluid and comfortable focusing on its dynamic and proposing solutions)

--Saturday night milonga with Maria&Gianpiero---

C1: Caminata 2 (Reactions and sensitivity, how to keep a constant connection. The concept of density of the embrace and how to use it)
C2: Boleo (Circular boleos: where the movement comes from and refining the connection.
Technique of the base and simple excercises. Structure and fluidity of the movements, their use in the dance.)

1 workshop...25€
1 day pass*...45€
full package*...100€

*Idea of the weekend is to work extensively on tango basis and principles of Maria&Gianpiero's work. Topics will develop through every day and through all the weekend so taking the whole package or at least daily pass (two workshops) is highly encouraged =)

Registration starts on 1st of March.


  • Location:
    Ljubljana, Slovenia
    Event dates:
    From: vendredi, 16 juin 2017 - To: dimanche, 18 juin 2017
    Ljubljana, Slovenia
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: vendredi, 16 juin 2017
    Event Ends: dimanche, 18 juin 2017
Read 3876 times


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