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Yanina and Neri Bristol Tango Weekender

Workshops and Milongas with the Amazing Yanina Quinones and Neri Piliu
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Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Yanina and Neri Bristol Tango Weekender

Yanina and Neri Bristol Tango Weekender

Workshops and Milongas with the Amazing Yanina Quinones and Neri Piliu
Workshops and Milongas with the Amazing Yanina Quinones and Neri Piliu
50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Hi tangueros,

We are very happy to announce the fantastic Bristol Tango Weekender with Neri and Yanina. This will be their first time ever in Bristol and their only workshops in the U.K.

About the Maestros

Yanina Quiñones and Neri Piliu have been dancing together for 15 years. They founded the Corazon Al Sur Tango Club Academy in Salerno. They are renowned tango maestros who have taught thousands of dancers from 35 countries worldwide, including numerous teachers who today teach internationally. They are also the founders, artistic directors and choreographers of the Tango Rouge Company and have worked in the best tango shows with Natalia Hills, Tangueros del Sur and the legendary Miguel Angel Zotto.

They were professionally trained at the Academia de Estilos de Tango Argentino by famous milongueros and teachers such as Carlos Perez and Rosa, Pupi Castello, Gloria and Eduardo Arquimbau, Gerardo Portalea, Toto Faraldo and Milena Plebs, amongst many others. They achieved second place in the world championships in Buenos Aires and have won a series of other awards, including the Golden Colibri at the European Dance Awards (Germany) and the Rodolfo Valentino Italian Excellence award as a ‘revelation couple’. They are regularly invited to major tango festivals all around the world and perform in the most well-known milongas of Buenos Aires.

Aside from all of this, they are also extremely generous, warm and skilled teachers, who explain concepts with clarity and humour. We feel honoured to have them here in Bristol this year, and we are certain that you will enjoy their classes!

Saturday 1st October

Workshop 1: 
12:00 to 13:30 Musical Movement (1.5 hours intermediate/advanced) - improve musical interpretation through the quality of our movements to contrast rhythm and melody.

Workshop 2:
14:30 to 16:00 Boleos: a Retrospective (1.5 hours -intermediate/advanced) - an exploration of boleos spanning the traditional to the modern, including technique for leading and following.

Pre-Milonga Class:
17:45 to 18:45 Back to Basics (1 hour - all levels)
- a taster session for newcomers to learn the fundamentals of tango. Also a great
opportunity for all to get grounded in advance of the milonga.

Saturday Night Milonga:
19:00 to 23:00 Saturday Night Milonga - with a demonstration by Yanina and Neri, beautiful danceable tandas by DJ Juan Herrera, raffles and other  surprises..! There will be nibbles, empanadas and some drinks, but feel free to bring anything you'd like to eat/drink. Tea, coffee and alfajores provided.

Sunday 2 October 

Workshop 3:
11:30 to 13:30 - Followers’ Technique (2 hours intermediate/advanced) - Yanina will impart her vast knowledge providing tools to improve your posture, balance, walking and pivots. Bring socks (for barefoot work) and heels (if using).

Tango Cafe:
14:15 to 18:00 - A relaxed Sunday afternoon milonga with tea, coffee and cake to put in practice newly learned steps. DJ Juan Herrera.

Private Lessons:
There are a limited number of private lessons available on
the Sunday. Please message us directly to enquire:



Workshop 1 (Saturday): £25 (concessions £20*)

Workshop 2 (Saturday): £25 (concessions £20*)

Pre-Milonga Class (Saturday): £10 (concessions £7*)

Workshop 3 (Sunday): £30 (concessions £25*)

Saturday Milonga: £15 (concessions £12* or £5 for non-dancers)

Sunday Tango Cafe Milonga: £10 (concessions £7*)


Saturday all day and evening ticket (includes all Saturday Workshops, the
Pre-Milonga Class and the Saturday Night Milonga): £60 (concessions £55*)

Workshops (only) package (includes Saturday Workshops 1 and 2 and Sunday Workshop 3): £60 (concessions £55*)

Dance (only) pass (Saturday Night Milonga and Sunday Tango Cafe Milonga): £20

How to Book:

Advanced booking is essential to secure your place as we anticipate a high demand for this event:

*Concession prices apply for students (with NUS cards) and people receiving state benefits. Please contact us to book directly with us, rather than using the Eventbrite link.


In the leafy arrabal Bristoliano of Downend! Convenient access from the Motorways (M4, M5, M32) and plenty of free car parking in the venue car park and around. DOWNEND FOLK HOUSE ASSOCIATION, LINCOMBE BARN,

Other Practicalities

Please feel free to bring sandwiches or lunch to share on the Saturday and Sunday (as you will need fuel to get through the day!). Alternatively, there are plenty of places to grab a bite nearby on Badminton Road. (There will be hot drinks available in the day and snacks at the milongas - see above.)

We are really looking forward to welcoming you to this exciting event! Any questions,
please ask either on here or email at

Juliet, Anna, Juan and Alisha.


  • Location:
    Downend, Bristol, UK (view map)
    Event dates:
    From: samedi, 01 octobre 2022 - To: dimanche, 02 octobre 2022
    Downend, Bristol, UK (view map)
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: samedi, 01 octobre 2022
    Event Ends: dimanche, 02 octobre 2022
  • Number of Participants:
    100 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    20 GBP - United Kingdom Pound
    Number of Participants:
    100 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    20 GBP - United Kingdom Pound
  • Is registration required prior to the event?
    Recommended - Tickets might be available at the door
    Registration Opens:
    mardi, 12 juillet 2022
    Registration Closes:
    samedi, 01 octobre 2022
    Is registration required prior to the event?
    Recommended - Tickets might be available at the door
    Registration Opens:
    mardi, 12 juillet 2022
    Registration Closes:
    samedi, 01 octobre 2022
  • Neri Piliu
    Yanina Quiñones
    Neri Piliu
    Yanina Quiñones
  • Accommodation:
Read 5404 times Last modified on dimanche, 21 août 2022 22:20


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1 comment

  • Comment Link Juliet Rowe

    If anybody is interested in doing leaders’ technique workshop with Neri Piliu on 2 October ‘22, please get in touch.

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