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Tango NOVA Curso Practico MIlonga 2nd edition

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Ball and Uncategorised

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Tango NOVA Curso Practico MIlonga 2nd edition

Tango NOVA Curso Practico MIlonga 2nd edition

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


(see below Romanian and Russian event description)

Dear Argentinean Tango dancers, we are now rapidly approaching the second edition of the event organized by Tango NOVA Chisinau.

We do our best to repeat that festive atmosphere of our first event and even to create a better one.

During the First Edition of the event they have enchanted your eyes, warmed your hearts and enriched your knowledge with their teaching and we think that it will be a great joy for you to know that and this time as well we will have our special guests:

Cristi Crang si Iulia Gordan (IASI/ROMANIA)

The event will take place at Jolly Alon, Hotel and Business Center, in the heart of the Capital.
Address: str. Maria Cibotari 37, Chisinau, Moldova (

The Program:

Friday, March 25th, 2016

18:00-19:00 - Registration & Tango Café (TC)
19:00-20:30 - Workshop Nr.1 (Wks 1). Professional tips for an easy and relaxed dance in close embrace (all levels)
20:30-21:00 - Event Opening
21:00-03:00 - Milonga “Bine ati venit”(MB)

Saturday, March 26th, 2016

13:00-14:30 - Workshop Nr.2 (Wks 2). Let’s play with sacadas and delicious-flashy moves of Sacadas, Back Sacadas and Sacadas para mujer (Intermediate)
14:45-16:15 – Workshop Nr.3 (Wks3) Delicious Cadenas in Tango Waltz
16:30-18:00 – Workshop Nr.4 (Wks 4). Circular connection, Giro, Contra-Giro and Chebrada all for a perfect connection with your partner in a circular dance (Intermediate)
21:00-05:00 – Grand Milonga (MG)

The registration will begin on February 15th, 2016

The price that is available until March 14th, 2016:
• Full Pass (all workshops and milongas)-350 MDL / €16
• Milonga Pass (MB+MG) – 200 MDL / €9
• Workshop Pass (Wks1+Wks2+ Wks3+Wks4) - 200 MDL / €9
• Milonga ( MB)- 100 MDL / €5
• Milonga (MG)-150 MDL / €7
• Workshop (Wks)- 80MDL / €4

Beginning with March 14th, 2016 the prices are the following:
• Full Pass (All workshops and milongas) - 400 MDL / €18
• Milonga Pass (MB + MG) – 250 MDL / €12
• Workshops Pass (Wks1 + Wks2 + Wks3 + Wks4) – 250 MDL / €12

• Milonga (MB) – 100 MDL / €5
• Milonga (MG) – 150 MDL / €7
• Workshop (Wks) – 80 MDL / €4

A special offer/rate for all participants who will choose Full Pass, Milonga Pass or Workshops Pass from our Sponsor and Partner, Jolly Alon, Hotel and Business Center:
• 50 EUR / per day– for a room with a single bed
• 60 EUR / per day- for a room with double beds

Contact phone number is +373 68 554230
Email :


Dragi iubitori de Tango Argentinian, iată că ne apropiem cu paşi repezi de a doua ediţie a evenimentului organizat de Tango NOVA Chisinau.
Cum ne stă în obicei, ne pregătim de petrecere...

Dacă la prima ediţie a evenimentului v-au încântat privirile, încalzit inimile şi imbogăţit cunoştinţele cu învăţăturile lor, ne-am gândit că mare vă va fi bucuria să aflaţi că şi de data aceasta vom avea ca invitaţi speciali tot pe:
Cristi Crang şi Iulia Gordan (IAŞI/ROMÂNIA)

Evenimentul va avea loc la Jolly Alon Hotel and Business Center, situat exact în centrul capitalei.
Adresa: str. Maria Cibotari 37, mun.Chișinău, Moldova (


Vineri, Martie 25, 2016 :

18:00–19:00 - Înregistrare & Tango Café (TC)
19:00–20:30 – Atelierul nr.1 (Wks1). Mici secrete pentru un dans relaxat în close embrace (all-level)
20:30–21:00 - Deschiderea evenimentului
21:00–03:00 – Milonga de “Bine aţi venit” (MB)

Sîmbătă, Martie 26, 2016 :

13:00–14:30 – Atelierul nr.2 (Wks2). Să ne jucăm cu sacadas, combinaţii delicioase ce cuprind sacadas, back sacadas şi sacadas para mujer (intermediari)
14:45–16:15 – Atelierul nr.3 (Wks3). Cadenas delicioase pe acorduri de tango vals (intermediari)
16:30–18:00 – Atelierul nr.4 (Wks4). Să fie circularitate, giro, contra-giro şi chebrada toate pentru un dans circular în perfecta conexiune cu partenera (intermadiari)
21:00–05:00 – Grand Milonga (MG)

Înscrierile încep din 15 februarie 2016.

Pînă la 14 Martie 2016:
• Full Pass (toate atelierele şi milonga) - 350 MDL / €16
• Milonga Pass (MB + MG) – 200 MDL / €9
• Workshops Pass (Wks1 + Wks2 + Wks3 + Wks4) – 200 MDL / €9

• Milonga (MB) – 100 MDL / €5
• Milonga (MG) – 150 MDL / €7
• Workshop (Wks) – 80 MDL / €4

După 14 Martie 2016:
• Full Pass (toate atelierele şi milonga) - 400 MDL / €18
• Milonga Pass (MB + MG) – 250 MDL / €12
• Workshops Pass (Wks1 + Wks2 + Wks3 + Wks4) – 250 MDL / €12

• Milonga (MB) – 100 MDL / €5
• Milonga (MG) – 150 MDL / €7
• Workshop (Wks) – 80 MDL / €4

Pentru toţi cei care vor opta pentru Full Pass, Milonga Pass sau Workshops Pass sponsorul şi partenerul evenimentului Jolly Alon Hotel and Business Center oferă preţuri speciale pentru cazare pe perioada evenimentului:
• 50 EUR / zi – pentru camera single
• 60 EUR / zi – pentru camera double

Telefon de contact : +373 68 554230
Email :

Va asteptam cu drag!


Уважаемые любители аргентинского танго, быстрыми шагами мы приближаемся ко второму выпуску события, организованного Tango NOVA Chisinau.
И в этот раз мы так же надеемся на праздничную атмосферу.

На первом событии вас восхищали, согревали сердца и обогащали ваши знания прекрасные мастера аргентинского танго. Мы подумали что вы будите очень рады узнать, что и в этот раз, специальными гостями на нашем событии будут:

Cristi Crang и Iulia Gordan (Яссы / Румыния)

Событие будет проходить в Jolly Alon Hotel and Business Center, в самом сердце столицы.
Адрес: ул. Мария Чиботарь 37, Кишинев, Молдова (


Пятница, 25 марта 2016

18:00-19:00 - Регистрация и танго-кафе (ТС)
19:00-20:30 - Урок Nr.1 (Wks1). Маленькие секреты: учимся танцевать в закрытом объятии без напряжения (все уровни)
20:30-21:00 - Открытие события
21:00-03:00 - Милонга "Добро пожаловать" (МB)

Суббота, 26 марта 2016

13:00-14:30 - Урок Nr.2 (Wks2). Давайте поиграем с сакадами, вкусными комбинациями включающими сакады, бэк-сакады и сакады пара мухер (средний)
14:45-16:15 - Урок Nr.3 (Wks3) Восхитительные каденас на акордах танго вальса (средний)
16:30-18:00 - Урок Nr.4 (Wks4). Круговое движение, хиро, контр-хиро и кебрада, все для танца по кругу в идеальном контакте с партнершей (средний)
21:00-05:00 - Гранд Милонга (MG)

Регистрация начнется 15 февраля, 2016

Цены, до 14 марта 2016:
• Full Pass (все уроки и милонги) -350 леев / €16
• Milonga Pass (MB + MG) - 200 MDL / €9
• Workshops Pass (Wks1 + Wks2 + Wks3 + Wks4) - 200 MDL / €9

• Милонга (МB) - 100 MDL / €5
• Милонга (MG) - 150 MDL / €7
• Урок (Wks) - 80 MDL / €4

Цены, после 14 марта 2016:
• Full Pass (все уроки и милонги) - 400 MDL / €18
• Milonga Pass (MB + MG) - 250 MDL / €12
• Workshops Pass (Wks1 + Wks2 + Wks3 + Wks4) - 250 MDL / €12

• Милонга (МB) - 100 MDL / €5
• Милонга (MG) - 150 MDL / €7
• Урок (Wks) - 80 MDL / €4

Для всех тех, кто приобретёт Full Pass, Milonga Pass или Workshops Pass наш спонсор и партнер, мероприятия Jolly Alon Hotel and Business Center предлагает специальные цены на проживание в гостинице на время проведения события:
• 50 EUR / день - за одноместный номер
• 60 EUR / день - за двухместный номер

Контактный телефон +373 68 554230
Эл.почта :

Ждем Вас!


  • Location:
    Str. Maria Cibotari 37, Chisinau, Moldova (view map)
    Event dates:
    From: Venerdì, 25 Marzo 2016 - To: Sabato, 26 Marzo 2016
    Str. Maria Cibotari 37, Chisinau, Moldova (view map)
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Venerdì, 25 Marzo 2016
    Event Ends: Sabato, 26 Marzo 2016
  • Number of Participants:
    100 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    18 EUR - Euro Member Countries
    Number of Participants:
    100 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    18 EUR - Euro Member Countries
  • Is registration required prior to the event?
    Not required - Tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Lunedì, 01 Febbraio 2016
    Registration Closes:
    Sabato, 26 Marzo 2016
    Is registration required prior to the event?
    Not required - Tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Lunedì, 01 Febbraio 2016
    Registration Closes:
    Sabato, 26 Marzo 2016
  • Accommodation:
Read 6678 times



Str. Maria Cibotari 37, Chisinau, Moldova Pin icons from Medialoot


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