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Bailongo Montreal Festival de Tango

Promoted by Tangopolix


Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Bailongo Montreal Festival de Tango

Bailongo Montreal Festival de Tango

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


We are absolutely thrilled to announce that our fifth Bailongo Montréal will be held from May 16th - 21st, 2018
Once again we have planned an exceptional line up of first-rate talented teachers/performers, all brimming with style and experience, much appreciated and admired worldwide.

Again Bailongo will pair the very best Dj's with the most spectacular milonga venues. And as last year and the year before, one of the milongas will feature live music.

This year's Bailongo will feature Pablo Veron & his new partner, Cecilia Capello, Aoniken Quiroga & Noelia Barsi as well as Pablo Pugliese & Noel Strazza. More artists will be announced shortly!

The schedule is not up yet.
In the meantime here is a brief outline of what to expect.
The festival begins with a friendly, informal milonga on Wednesday, May 16th.
Classes will start on Thursday, May 17th (early evening). That night we'll have a milonga with an informal presentation by the teachers.
Friday, May 18th: Afternoon milonga followed by classes and then our Gala Milonga 1 with performances*.
Saturday and Sunday, May 19th and 20th : lots of classes all afternoon and early evening. Gala milongas with performances * on each night.
On May, 21st (holiday Monday in Canada) there will be a couple classes and our traditional closing daytime milonga.
* Each Gala milonga will feature performances by a different couple

More info coming soon.


Ce printemps Montréal célébra la cinquième édition de Bailongo Montréal.

Du 16 au 21 mai prochain, nous aurons le privilège de recevoir des artistes extraordinaires qui nous partageront leur savoir et leur passion du tango: Pablo Veron + Cecilia Capello, Aoniken Quiroga + Noelia Barsi et Pablo Pugliese + Noel Strazza.

Avec une vigntaine de cours donnés par ces profs ultra talentueux, 7 milongas avec des meilleurs dj's dans de splendides salles, une milonga avec orchestre ''live''. . . ce long weekend s’annonce comme l’événement tango de l’année!

Les détails des milongas et horaires des cours se retrouvera bientôt sur notre site web.
Voici un aperçu du programme:
Mercredi 16 mai: Milonga de bienvenue
Jeudi 17 mai, cours et Milonga d'ouverture
Vendredi 18 mai: Milonga d'après-midi, suivie de cours et la Milonga-gala #1*
Samedi 19 mai, cours en après-midi / début de soirée, Milonga-Gala #2 dès 21h30*
Dimanche 20 mai, cours en après-midi /début de soirée, Milonga-Gala #3 dès 21h30*
Lundi 21 mai, cours et milonga de clôture (en après-midi)

*Chaque Milonga-Gala met en vedette un couple différent.


  • Location:
    Montreal, Canada
    Event dates:
    From: Mercoledì, 16 Maggio 2018 - To: Lunedì, 21 Maggio 2018
    Montreal, Canada
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Mercoledì, 16 Maggio 2018
    Event Ends: Lunedì, 21 Maggio 2018
  • Aoniken Quiroga
    Noelia Barsi
    Pablo Veron
    Aoniken Quiroga
    Noelia Barsi
    Pablo Veron
Read 7699 times


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