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Neotango Festival of the Lights in Lyon

Festival Neo Tango LYON
Organised by:


Marathon and Encuentro

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 80% - 3 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 75% - 3 votes
Music & DJs: 76.67% - 3 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 75% - 3 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 3 votes

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Neotango Festival of the Lights in Lyon

Neotango Festival of the Lights in Lyon

Festival Neo Tango LYON
Festival Neo Tango LYON
77 out of 100 with 12 ratings


Here is the program of the 3rd Festival Neo Tango of Lyon which will take place from 11 to 14 November 2021 at the Markadas Dance Center of Saint Priest 21 rue Aristide Briand 69800 Saint Priest in a room of 250 m2 with parquet floor. All the milongas and all the courses take place in this room except for the Friday evening after which will take place at the kiosk of Lyon Monplaisir with mulled wine profusion .
Decorations by Japanese artist Lika Kato
Visual animations of Vj Andreas Lange
Narcotango complete with 5 musicians
Singer Analia Selis accompanied on piano and guitar by Mariano Castro
3 international DJs: Elio Astor , Saskia Frankena and Raffaella Tempesta
and a Big Surprise on Sunday at noon
numerous internships with Raffaella , Cédric and Charlotte
the ticketing is open on Hello Asso :
Thursday 11 November from 8 pm to 3 am: evening together with StudioTango Argentino and Tango Cocktail . Djs Fabrizio and Jitep . Price: 10 euros and 8 euros members ( Tango Cocktail and Studio Tango Argentino ) . Alternative danceable music in tango and modern orchestras of tango . Price 10 euros and 8 euros (members of Studio Tango Argentino or Tano Cocktail)
Friday 12 November: from 3 pm to 8 pm: Neolonga with Djs Aurelio and Jitep . Price 10 euros and 8 euros members ( Tango Cocktail ); visual animations of Vj Andreas Lange
from 8 pm to 9 pm Neotango workshop with Raffaella Tempesta Tango theme contact . Price 10 euros
from 9 pm to 4 am Neolonga with Djs Elio Astor TangoDj II , Saskia Frankena and Raffaella Tempesta le Vj Andreas Lange for visual animation and musical training Analia Selis ( singing ) and Mariano Castro ( guitar and piano ) . Price 15 euros and 12 euros ahérents . After from 4h in the morning at the kiosk of Monplaisir place Ambroise Courtois Lyon 8th with mulled wine .
Saturday, November 13:
from 11h to 12h30 and 13h30 to 15h: internships of Cédric Tellier and Charlotte ( see publication on this group for the themes and the prices of their internships )
from 3pm to 8pm Neolonga with the Djettes Violetta Valery and Bricia . Price 10 euros and 8 euros members ( Tango Cocktail ) . visual animations of Vj Andreas Lange
from 8 pm to 9 pm Neolonga courses by Raffaella Tempesta with the theme of the double role Tango . Price: 10 euros
from 9 pm to 4 am: fiesta evening with the entire Narcotango orchestra in its Quintetto formation for 2 dancing sets and still the Djs Elio Astor , Saskia Frankena and Raffaella Tempesta and Vj Andreas Lange . Demonstration of Neo Tango by Cédric Tellier and Charlotte . Price: 20 euros and 18 euros members . After in the room from 4 am to breakfast.
Sunday, November 14:
from 11h to 12h30 and 13h30 to 15h: internships of Cédric Tellier and Charlotte ( see publication on this group for the themes and the prices of their internships )
from 3pm to 8pm milonga de despedida with the DJs of the festival and from 6pm the Dj animator Jérôme El Chorizo . Big surprise during this milonga concocted by the team of Tango Cocktail and Andreas Lange: you will be surprised . Around 8 pm, with the help of volunteers and a few dancers, we tidy up the room to make room for an after party in the same room from 9:30 pm to 1 am . Price: 12 euros and 10 euros members
A shuttle service is set up to escort festival-goers to their accommodation:


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