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Free Introductory Tango Workshop with Southern Cross Tango

Promoted by Tangopolix



Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Maestros ( technique, teaching skills ): 50% - 1 votes
Communication ( language, translations): 50% - 1 votes
Participants ( dancing level, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Free Introductory Tango Workshop with Southern Cross Tango

Free Introductory Tango Workshop with Southern Cross Tango

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


We warmly invite you to experience the passionate intensity of Argentine Tango in a special Free Workshop on Thursday 29 October, 7-8pm at Thebarton Community Centre (South Rd & Ashwin Pde, Torrensville) with ongoing weekly Thursday evening classes for beginner level dancers.

After the 7pm beginner class you can stay on for social dancing and practice at Thursday Practica Milonga from 8-9.30pm (free entry for Southern Cross Tango beginner students!)

Tango dancing is a fun, sociable activity that is good for your body & mind! Participants will learn the joy of dancing social Argentine Tango, discovering exciting new movement qualities & techniques for having a wonderfully connected & authentic tango dance experience. Everyone is welcome - Bring a dance partner or come along on your own.

In South Australia, dedicated tango teachers & pioneers Adrienne & Andrew Gill of Southern Cross Tango have been teaching classes in the community since 1999. With a well-deserved international reputation as elegant stage tango performers, Adrienne & Andrew enjoy teaching their students how to dance the true social Tango, as it is danced in the neighborhood milongas of Argentina and around the world. The couple’s teaching style is encouraging and empowering. From the first lesson you will be up and really dancing Tango.

Introductory Tango Workshop (FREE) – Thursday 29 October
New 6 Week Beginner Tango Course: Thursday 5 November – 10 December 2015.

Bookings, course enrolment & information contact Adrienne Gill Ph: 0419 309 439. E: Website:


  • Location:
    Adelaide, Australia
    Event dates:
    From: Giovedì, 29 Ottobre 2015 - To: Giovedì, 29 Ottobre 2015
    Adelaide, Australia
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Giovedì, 29 Ottobre 2015
    Event Ends: Giovedì, 29 Ottobre 2015
Read 3579 times


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