Your next tango

adventure starts here!

Jonathan Saavedra Clarisa Aragon in London

Promoted by Tangopolix



Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Maestros ( technique, teaching skills ): 50% - 1 votes
Communication ( language, translations): 50% - 1 votes
Participants ( dancing level, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Jonathan Saavedra Clarisa Aragon in London

Jonathan Saavedra Clarisa Aragon in London

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


We are very pleased to welcome our dear friends, the hugely talented Jonathan and Clarisa to London to share their tango with us for one weekend only!

Exclusively at Sans Souci Milonga for two days, these will be their only workshops and shows in London!


**Masterclass I - Saturday 20th From 15.00 to 16.30**
Theme: TANGO activation and reaction of the embrace. Preparation for movements.

**Masterclass II - Saturday 20th From 16.30 to 18.00**
Theme: TANGO all about turns 180 and 360 degrees.

**Masterclass III - Sunday 21st From 13.30 to 15.00**
Theme: TANGO looking for our embrace. Concepts, analysis and connection.

**Masterclass IV - Sunday 21st From 15.00 to 16.30**
Theme: TANGO Musicality, orchestras, rhythm and melody.

Price: £25 per person per workshop - limited numbers. Advance booking necessary for the workshops.
Location of all workshops: St James the Less, Pimlico | Thorndike Street | Off Moreton Street | London | SW1V 2PS


Saturday 20th May - 18.00 to 22.00 with DJ Dante Culcuy
Performance: Jonathan & Clarisa
Location: St James the Less, Pimlico | Thorndike Street | Off Moreton Street | London | SW1V 2PS
Price: £10


  • Location:
    London, United Kingdom
    Event dates:
    From: Sabato, 20 Maggio 2017 - To: Domenica, 21 Maggio 2017
    London, United Kingdom
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Sabato, 20 Maggio 2017
    Event Ends: Domenica, 21 Maggio 2017
  • Jonathan Saavedra
    Clarisa Aragon
    Jonathan Saavedra
    Clarisa Aragon
Read 3771 times


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